Monitoring Data in NCache Using Continuous Query with Python

Using Continuous Query with Python for Stream Processing in NCache

As data becomes more critical to businesses, the need for real-time data processing (particularly when data is arriving in chunks or streams) and analysis is increasing at an unprecedented rate. Applications that depend on real-time data processing require a reliable method of receiving real-time notifications when data changes occur without causing performance overheads that result…


Caching in ML.NET to Quickly Retrain Machine Learning Models

You, I, and even John next door know that machine learning has made your machines “smarter” by predicting future outcomes, using the data fed to them. ML.NET is the de facto standard in .NET for machine learning, that allows you to train models upfront and make predictions accurately. Let’s suppose you have an ML.NET application…


.NET Microservices: Scaling with NCache Pub/Sub Messaging

The conventional monolithic application architecture for server apps has recently undergone a paradigm shift in the software industry, and microservice architecture is currently taking its place. The idea of a collection of lightweight, loosely connected modules that each represent a single functionality and execute in their processes has been quite popular, and for good reason.…