
Caching in ML.NET to Quickly Retrain Machine Learning Models

You, I, and even John next door know that machine learning has made your machines “smarter” by predicting future outcomes, using the data fed to them. ML.NET is the de facto standard in .NET for machine learning, that allows you to train models upfront and make predictions accurately. Let’s suppose you have an ML.NET application…

Deploy NCache in Azure

Using Infrastructure as Code to Deploy NCache in Azure

Gone are the days when one of your servers crashed and you had to reconfigure it from the ground up. This would include a tedious, manual process from inspecting hardware malfunctions to software glitches. Now, organizations have adopted on-prem scripting tools to automate tasks and shifted the provisioning of IT infrastructure to cloud. However, this…


Deploying NCache in Azure Service Fabric

Azure Service Fabric makes the deployment, management, and packaging of scalable and reliable microservice applications very easy and efficient. It simplifies the development and management of cloud applications as well as reliably scale and orchestrate services. Azure Service Fabric’s purpose is to provide developers with a very rich platform that addresses many of the problems…

JSON Serialization

Using NCache as a JSON Store

Databases and caches go hand in hand and have been in a close association for a long time now. Caches as the middle tier reduce pressure on your databases by keeping your data in the cache for faster processing. NCache is an in-memory distributed caching solution for your .NET and Java applications. For years, NCache…