Alachisoft NCache 4.1 - Online Documentation

Configure Local Cache

NCache Manager provides facility to change the configurations of Local Caches. To change the configuration of a Local Cache, click the cache from 'NCache Management' tree. Local Cache View will appear in the right pane. This view provides configuration options for the selected Cache. once you have configured cache you have to apply configurations as well. See How to Apply.
This view consists of the following tabs:
Main Tab
  • Cache Name: Specifies a unique identifier for the cache.
  • Storage Type: Specifies the storage options for the primary cache.
  • Cache Max. Size: Specifies an upper limit on the cache size.
  • Isolation Level: Specifies application isolation level. High isolation level implies that the Cache runs in NCache service's process whereas a Low level implies that Cache is InProc to the applications. An OutProc cache can be shared between different applications on the same node. Moreover, an isolated cache's lifetime is explicitly controlled by applications like NCache Manager, Cmd Tools or API's.
  • Auto Start Cache: Using “Auto Start Cache” option, user can set/reset cache starting operation on service start up.
  • Now auto start cache delay time can also be added. To add delay time you have to add following tag in NCache service config file. Value is specified in minutes.
  <add key="NCacheSrver.AutoStartDelay" value="5"/>
  • Whenever NCache service will be restarted, all caches which are set to auto start will automatically start after specified delay time interval.
  • After configuring cache you have to Apply Configurations.
Policies Tab
  • Eviction Policy: Specifies the eviction policy to determine which items should be removed from cache, if it is full to accommodate new items.
  • Default Priority: Default priority that is associated with an item if no priority is specified for that item in case of priority based eviction.
  • Eviction Percentage: Specifies the percentage of items to be removed on each eviction.
  • Clean Interval (sec.): The periodic interval after which expired items are removed from the cache.
  • After configuring cache you have to Apply Configurations.
Query Indexes (This feature is not available in NCache Express)
Selected Classes and their attributes: Displays list of classes and their attributes on which indexes are required. You can add/remove classes and objects to index attributes from here.
Compact Serialization (This feature is not available in NCache Express)
  • Add Compact Types : Opens an assembly browser that lets you select assembly file that contains your compact serialized application objects.
  • Remove : Remove selected types from the registered types list.
  • Add <T> : Adds argument for generic types.
  • Generic Types Handler : Adds generic Types at once.
  • After configuring cache you have to Apply Configurations.
Backing Source Tab (This feature is not available in NCache Express)
Backing Source tab gives option to enable multiple Read-through and Write-through providers on a local cache.
  • A cache for which a read-through is enabled can automatically load requested items from data source as if the data is already in the cache. For multiple data sources, multiple read-through providers can be added against a cache. In case of multiple read-through providers you can set a default read-through provider for a cache using the Set as Default button.
Note: Read-Through must be enabled for Cache Forwarding.
  • A write-through or write-behind enabled cache writes updates back to the data source. You can specify multiple write-through providers incase of multiple data sources and can set one of them as a default write-through provider using the Set as Default button.
  • After enabling providers for a cache you can add providers using Add button. By click on Add button "Add New Provider" wizard will appear requiring provider information as shown in the figure.
  • Provider Name: Provider name identifies a unique provider, so for every Read Thru/Write Thru provider, an exclusive provider name must be given.
  • Assembly Name: Browse the assembly name that contains implementation for IReadThruProvider/IWriteThruProvider interface.
  • Class Name: Select class name from the list that implements IReadThruProvider/IWriteThruProvider interfaces.
  • You can also specify additional configuration parameters that will be passed to the Start method of IReadThruProvider/ IWriteThruProvider.
  • You can edit or remove the provider from the list using Edit and Remove button.
  • Deploy Provider: Deploy Provider allows you to copy/update provider assemblies to the cache servers. Use this button to select the appropriate assemblies for deployment.
  • After configuring cache you have to Apply Configurations.
Cache Loader Tab
  • Enable Cache Startup Loader: A cache startup loader can automatically loads data specified by the user in the class that implements ICacheLoader interface.
  • Assembly Name: Full path of the assembly that contains implementation for ICacheLoader interface.
  • Class Name: Name of the class that implements ICacheLoader interface.
  • You may specify additional configuration parameters that will be passed to the Start method of ICacheLoader.
  • No. of Retries: Specifies the number of attempts the cache loader will try to load data, if it fails to load data on previous attempt.
  • Retry Interval (sec.): The time interval in seconds between two retry attempts of cache loader.
  • Deploy Cache Loader: Deploy Cache Loader allow you to copy the cache loader assembly to the cache server. Use this button to select the appropriate assembly for deployment.
  • After configuring cache you have to Apply Configurations.
Data Sharing Tab
  • Add Shared Types: Opens an assembly browser that lets you select the assembly/jar files that contains the classes you want to share in cache.
  • Remove: It will remove the particular Shared Type/Class from the list.
  • Import/Export: Shared Type configurations can be import and export in XML file for later use.
  • After configuring cache you have to Apply Configurations.
Options Tab
  • Item add notification: Specifies whether to notify when an item is added to the cache or not.
  • Item remove notification: Indicates whether to notify when an item is removed from the cache or not
  • Item update notification: Denotes whether to notify when an item is updated or not
  • Cache clear notification: Specifies whether to notify when cache is cleared or not.
  • Enable performance counters: Identifies whether performance counters are enabled or not. Performance counters are used to show statistics of the cache.
  • Enable Compression: Shows compression is enabled or not. If enabled, items having size greater than the specified threshold will be compressed.
  • Use Custom SQL Notification Mode: It allows you to create your own SQL notification service and queue. Otherwise default service and queue will be created and used at run time.
  • After configuring cache you have to Apply Configurations.
Administrators and NCache managers can configure API level security for a cache. Each cache will have its own API security configurations independent of other caches and users. Cache API security configurations will be saved in config.ncconf against each cache. NCache Manager provides the above wizard for configuring API security for caches.
ANow data can be sent and stored in cache in encrypted form. 3DES encryption algorithm is used to secure data, it uses three successevie iterations of DES. User can enable encryption by selecting "Enable" option and then providing Key value of length 24. 
After configuring cache you have to Apply Configurations.
See Also
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