Alachisoft NCache 4.1 - Online Documentation

Removing Items

You can remove items from the cache from anywhere in your application using Remove and RemoveAsync methods. Include the following namespace in your project:
using Alachisoft.NCache.Web.Caching;
Using Remove Method
  1. Create a new Class named 'Customer' in your already created Test Application.
  2. Insert the following code in the 'Customer' class.
    class Customer
  3. Now insert the following code in the 'Main' of the project:
    Cache _cache = NCache.InitializeCache("myCache");
    Customer customer = new Customer (); = "David" ;
    customer.customerID = 1001;
    customer.City = "London" ;
    customer.ContactNumber = "+44-xxx-xxxx-xxxx" ;
    customer.IsOrderInProcess = true ;
    // Add Item to Cache
    _cache.Add("Customer:David:1001" , customer);
    // Removes key from Cache and returns the attached object with it
    Object removedObject = _cache.Remove("Customer:David:1001");
    Customer customerInformation = (Customer)removedObject;
    Console.WriteLine("Customer ID: " + customerInformation.customerID);
    Console.WriteLine("Name: " +;
    Console.WriteLine("City: " + customerInformation.City);
    Console.WriteLine("Contact Number: " + customerInformation.ContactNumber);
    Console.WriteLine("Order placed: " + customerInformation.IsOrderInProcess);
  4. Start the Local Cache 'myCache'.
  5. Run the project.
See Also
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