Gets an instance of the CacheStream class.

Namespace: Alachisoft.NCache.Web.Caching
Assembly: Alachisoft.NCache.Web (in Alachisoft.NCache.Web.dll) Version: (


public virtual CacheStream GetCacheStream(
	string key,
	string group,
	string subGroup,
	StreamMode streamMode,
	CacheDependency dependency,
	DateTime absoluteExpiration,
	TimeSpan slidingExpiration,
	CacheItemPriority priority
Visual Basic
Public Overridable Function GetCacheStream ( _
	key As String, _
	group As String, _
	subGroup As String, _
	streamMode As StreamMode, _
	dependency As CacheDependency, _
	absoluteExpiration As DateTime, _
	slidingExpiration As TimeSpan, _
	priority As CacheItemPriority _
) As CacheStream
Visual C++
virtual CacheStream^ GetCacheStream(
	String^ key, 
	String^ group, 
	String^ subGroup, 
	StreamMode streamMode, 
	CacheDependency^ dependency, 
	DateTime absoluteExpiration, 
	TimeSpan slidingExpiration, 
	CacheItemPriority priority


Type: System..::..String
The cache key used to reference the item.
Type: System..::..String
The group whose keys are to be returned.
Type: System..::..String
The sub group of the group foe which keys are to be returned.
Type: Alachisoft.NCache.Web.Caching..::..StreamMode
Enumeration to specify the desired mode to open the stream.
Type: Alachisoft.NCache.Runtime.Dependencies..::..CacheDependency
CacheDependency to be added. When any dependency changes, the object becomes invalid and is removed from the cache. If there are no dependencies, this paramter contains a null reference.
Type: System..::..DateTime
The time at which the added stream expires and is removed from the cache. If absolute expiration is not desired, specify Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration
Type: System..::..TimeSpan
The interval between the time the added stream was last accessed and when it expires. If this value is the equivalent of 20 minutes, the object expires and is removed from the cache 20 minutes after it is last accessed. If sliding expiration is not desired, specify Cache.NoSlidingExpiration
Type: Alachisoft.NCache.Runtime..::..CacheItemPriority
The relative cost of the object, as expressed by the CacheItemPriority enumeration. The cache uses this value when it evicts objects; objects with a lower cost are removed from the cache before objects with a higher cost.

Return Value

An instance of CacheStream

See Also