Overload List

Public methodCacheSyncDependency(String, String)
Initializes a new instance of the CacheSyncDependency with the specified parameters. Internally it tries to initialize the remote cache. If the cache can not be initialized, it throws the exception describing the cause of failure. The remote cache must be running as outproc even if it is on the same machine. The information to connect to the remote cache instance (like server-name and server-port) are picked from the 'client.ncconf'.
Public methodCacheSyncDependency(String, String, String, Int32)
Initializes a new instance of the CacheSyncDependency with the specified parameters. Internally it tries to initialize the remote cache. If the cache can not be initialized, it throws the exception describing the cause of failure. The remote cache must be running as outproc even if it is on the same machine.

See Also