
Espandi il codice sorgente
import asyncio
from asyncio import Task
from collections import Callable

from ncache.client.CacheEventDescriptor import CacheEventDescriptor
from ncache.client.ContinuousQuery import ContinuousQuery
from ncache.client.enum.EventDataFilter import EventDataFilter
from ncache.client.enum.EventType import EventType
from ncache.client.enum.TopicPriority import TopicPriority
from ncache.client.enum.TopicSearchOptions import TopicSearchOptions
from ncache.runtime.caching.Topic import Topic
from import CacheDataModificationListener
from ncache.runtime.util.EnumUtil import EnumUtil
from ncache.util.EventsListenerHelper import EventsListenerHelper
from ncache.util.ExceptionHandler import ExceptionHandler
from ncache.util.TypeCaster import TypeCaster
from ncache.util.ValidateType import ValidateType

class MessagingService:
    This class contains properties and methods required for Messaging Service.
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.__messagingservice = value

    def get_topic(self, topicname, searchoptions=None):
        Retrieves the topic instance against the TopicSearchOptions and provided name or pattern.

        :param topicname: Name or pattern to identify topic.
        :type topicname: str
        :param searchoptions: TopicSearchOptions specifies to search topic by name or pattern.
        :type searchoptions: TopicSearchOptions
        :return: Returns the topic instance, None if it does not exist.
        :rtype: Topic or None
        ValidateType.is_string(topicname, self.get_topic)
        javatopicname = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(topicname)

        if searchoptions is not None:
            ValidateType.type_check(searchoptions, TopicSearchOptions, self.get_topic)
            javasearchoptions = EnumUtil.get_topic_search_options(searchoptions.value)

            result = self.__messagingservice.getTopic(javatopicname, javasearchoptions)

            result = self.__messagingservice.getTopic(javatopicname)

        if result is not None:
            result = Topic(result)

        return result

    def create_topic(self, topicname, topicpriority=None):
        Creates and retrieves the topic instance against the specified topic name and priority.

        :param topicname: Name or pattern to identify topic.
        :type topicname: str
        :param topicpriority: Specifies the relative priority of the topic stored in cache.
        :type topicpriority: TopicPriority
        :return: The topic instance.
        :rtype: Topic
        ValidateType.is_string(topicname, self.create_topic)
        javatopicname = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(topicname)

        if topicpriority is not None:
            ValidateType.type_check(topicpriority, TopicPriority, self.create_topic)
            javatopicpriority = EnumUtil.get_topic_priority(topicpriority.value)

            result = self.__messagingservice.createTopic(javatopicname, javatopicpriority)

            result = self.__messagingservice.createTopic(javatopicname)

        if result is not None:
            result = Topic(result)

        return result

    def delete_topic(self, topicname):
        Deletes the topic instance against the specified topic name.

        :param topicname: Name or pattern to identify topic.
        :type topicname: str
        ValidateType.is_string(topicname, self.delete_topic)
        javatopicname = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(topicname)


    def delete_topic_async(self, topicname):
        Deletes the topic instance asynchronously against the specified topic name.

        :param topicname: Name or pattern to identify topic.
        :type topicname: str
        :return: Future task that performs a delete topic operation in background.Methods of Task can be used to
            determine status of the task.
        :rtype: Task
        ValidateType.is_string(topicname, self.delete_topic_async)
        return asyncio.create_task(self.__return_coroutine(self.delete_topic, topicname))

    def register_cq(self, query):
        Registers the specified continuous query with the cache server. You can use this method multiple times in your
        application depending on its need to receive the notifications for a change in the dataset of your query. This
        method takes as argument an object of ContinuousQuery which has the query and the listeners registered to it.

        :param query: SQL-like query to be executed on cache.
        :type query: ContinuousQuery
        ValidateType.type_check(query, ContinuousQuery, self.register_cq)


    def un_register_cq(self, query):
        Unregisters an already registered continuous query to deactivate it on the cache server. Like registerCQ, it
        takes as argument an object of ContinuousQuery to unregister the listeners which are no more fired after this

        :param query: SQL-like query to be executed on cache.
        :type query: ContinuousQuery
        ValidateType.type_check(query, ContinuousQuery, self.un_register_cq)


    def add_cache_notification_listener(self, callablefunction, eventtypes, eventdatafilter, keys=None):
        Registers cache notification EventType of type item added, updated or removed against specified key(s) in cache.
        Notification is register against all the keys if no key is specified.

        :param callablefunction: Callable function to be invoked when an item is updated or removed. This
            function should follow this signature: callablefunction(key: str, eventarg: CacheEventArg)
        :type callablefunction: Callable
        :param eventtypes: List of Event types the listener is registered against.
        :type eventtypes: list
        :param eventdatafilter: Tells whether to receive metadata, data with metadata or none when a notification is
        :type eventdatafilter: EventDataFilter
        :param keys: Key or list of keys to identify the cache item.
        :type keys: list or str
        :return: Instance of CacheEventDescriptor if no key is specified. it is required to unregister the notifications.
        :rtype: CacheEventDescriptor or None
        ValidateType.params_check(callablefunction, 2, self.add_cache_notification_listener)
        ValidateType.type_check(eventtypes, list, self.add_cache_notification_listener)
        for eventtype in eventtypes:
            ValidateType.type_check(eventtype, EventType, self.add_cache_notification_listener)
        ValidateType.type_check(eventdatafilter, EventDataFilter, self.add_cache_notification_listener)

        eventlistener = EventsListenerHelper.get_listener(callablefunction, CacheDataModificationListener)
        javaeventtypes = EventsListenerHelper.get_event_type_enum_set(eventtypes)
        javaeventdatafilter = EnumUtil.get_event_data_filter(eventdatafilter.value)

        if keys is not None:
            if type(keys) is str:
                javakey = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(keys)

                self.__messagingservice.addCacheNotificationListener(javakey, eventlistener, javaeventtypes, javaeventdatafilter)

            elif type(keys) is list:
                for key in keys:
                    ValidateType.is_string(key, self.add_cache_notification_listener)

                javakeys = TypeCaster.to_java_array_list(keys, isjavatype=True)

                self.__messagingservice.addCacheNotificationListener(javakeys, eventlistener, javaeventtypes, javaeventdatafilter)

                raise TypeError(ExceptionHandler.get_invalid_keys_exception_message(self.add_cache_notification_listener))

            result = self.__messagingservice.addCacheNotificationListener(eventlistener, javaeventtypes, javaeventdatafilter)

            if result is not None:
                descriptor = CacheEventDescriptor(result)
                return descriptor

    def remove_cache_notification_listener(self, descriptor=None, keys=None, callablefunction=None, eventtypes=None):
        Unregisters cache notification against specified key(s) in cache. If no key is specified, this method
        unregisters a cache level event that may have been registered.

        :param descriptor: The descriptor returned when the general event was registered.
        :type descriptor: CacheEventDescriptor
        :param keys: Key or list of keys to identify the cache item.
        :type keys: list or str
        :param callablefunction: Callable function that is invoked when specified event(s) are triggered in cache.
        :type callablefunction: Callable
        :param eventtypes: List of Event types the listener is registered against.
        :type eventtypes: list
        if descriptor is not None and eventtypes is None and callablefunction is None and keys is None:
            ValidateType.type_check(descriptor, CacheEventDescriptor, self.remove_cache_notification_listener)
            javadescriptor = descriptor.get_instance()


        elif eventtypes is not None and callablefunction is not None and keys is not None:
            ValidateType.params_check(callablefunction, 2, self.add_cache_notification_listener)
            ValidateType.type_check(eventtypes, list, self.add_cache_notification_listener)
            for eventtype in eventtypes:
                ValidateType.type_check(eventtype, EventType, self.add_cache_notification_listener)

            eventlistener = EventsListenerHelper.get_listener(callablefunction, CacheDataModificationListener)
            javaeventtypes = EventsListenerHelper.get_event_type_enum_set(eventtypes)

            if type(keys) is str:
                javakey = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(keys)

                self.__messagingservice.removeCacheNotificationListener(javakey, eventlistener, javaeventtypes)

            elif type(keys) is list:
                for key in keys:
                    ValidateType.is_string(key, self.remove_cache_notification_listener)

                javakeys = TypeCaster.to_java_array_list(keys, isjavatype=True)

                self.__messagingservice.removeCacheNotificationListener(javakeys, eventlistener, javaeventtypes)

                raise TypeError(ExceptionHandler.get_invalid_keys_exception_message(self.remove_cache_notification_listener))

            raise ValueError(ExceptionHandler.exceptionmessages.get("MessagingService.remove_cache_notification_listener"))

    async def __return_coroutine(function, arg):
        return function(arg)
        # For the time being, we have only 1 possible argument. This function has to be made generic if needed in future.


class MessagingService (value)

Questa classe contiene proprietà e metodi necessari per il servizio di messaggistica.

Espandi il codice sorgente
class MessagingService:
    This class contains properties and methods required for Messaging Service.
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.__messagingservice = value

    def get_topic(self, topicname, searchoptions=None):
        Retrieves the topic instance against the TopicSearchOptions and provided name or pattern.

        :param topicname: Name or pattern to identify topic.
        :type topicname: str
        :param searchoptions: TopicSearchOptions specifies to search topic by name or pattern.
        :type searchoptions: TopicSearchOptions
        :return: Returns the topic instance, None if it does not exist.
        :rtype: Topic or None
        ValidateType.is_string(topicname, self.get_topic)
        javatopicname = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(topicname)

        if searchoptions is not None:
            ValidateType.type_check(searchoptions, TopicSearchOptions, self.get_topic)
            javasearchoptions = EnumUtil.get_topic_search_options(searchoptions.value)

            result = self.__messagingservice.getTopic(javatopicname, javasearchoptions)

            result = self.__messagingservice.getTopic(javatopicname)

        if result is not None:
            result = Topic(result)

        return result

    def create_topic(self, topicname, topicpriority=None):
        Creates and retrieves the topic instance against the specified topic name and priority.

        :param topicname: Name or pattern to identify topic.
        :type topicname: str
        :param topicpriority: Specifies the relative priority of the topic stored in cache.
        :type topicpriority: TopicPriority
        :return: The topic instance.
        :rtype: Topic
        ValidateType.is_string(topicname, self.create_topic)
        javatopicname = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(topicname)

        if topicpriority is not None:
            ValidateType.type_check(topicpriority, TopicPriority, self.create_topic)
            javatopicpriority = EnumUtil.get_topic_priority(topicpriority.value)

            result = self.__messagingservice.createTopic(javatopicname, javatopicpriority)

            result = self.__messagingservice.createTopic(javatopicname)

        if result is not None:
            result = Topic(result)

        return result

    def delete_topic(self, topicname):
        Deletes the topic instance against the specified topic name.

        :param topicname: Name or pattern to identify topic.
        :type topicname: str
        ValidateType.is_string(topicname, self.delete_topic)
        javatopicname = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(topicname)


    def delete_topic_async(self, topicname):
        Deletes the topic instance asynchronously against the specified topic name.

        :param topicname: Name or pattern to identify topic.
        :type topicname: str
        :return: Future task that performs a delete topic operation in background.Methods of Task can be used to
            determine status of the task.
        :rtype: Task
        ValidateType.is_string(topicname, self.delete_topic_async)
        return asyncio.create_task(self.__return_coroutine(self.delete_topic, topicname))

    def register_cq(self, query):
        Registers the specified continuous query with the cache server. You can use this method multiple times in your
        application depending on its need to receive the notifications for a change in the dataset of your query. This
        method takes as argument an object of ContinuousQuery which has the query and the listeners registered to it.

        :param query: SQL-like query to be executed on cache.
        :type query: ContinuousQuery
        ValidateType.type_check(query, ContinuousQuery, self.register_cq)


    def un_register_cq(self, query):
        Unregisters an already registered continuous query to deactivate it on the cache server. Like registerCQ, it
        takes as argument an object of ContinuousQuery to unregister the listeners which are no more fired after this

        :param query: SQL-like query to be executed on cache.
        :type query: ContinuousQuery
        ValidateType.type_check(query, ContinuousQuery, self.un_register_cq)


    def add_cache_notification_listener(self, callablefunction, eventtypes, eventdatafilter, keys=None):
        Registers cache notification EventType of type item added, updated or removed against specified key(s) in cache.
        Notification is register against all the keys if no key is specified.

        :param callablefunction: Callable function to be invoked when an item is updated or removed. This
            function should follow this signature: callablefunction(key: str, eventarg: CacheEventArg)
        :type callablefunction: Callable
        :param eventtypes: List of Event types the listener is registered against.
        :type eventtypes: list
        :param eventdatafilter: Tells whether to receive metadata, data with metadata or none when a notification is
        :type eventdatafilter: EventDataFilter
        :param keys: Key or list of keys to identify the cache item.
        :type keys: list or str
        :return: Instance of CacheEventDescriptor if no key is specified. it is required to unregister the notifications.
        :rtype: CacheEventDescriptor or None
        ValidateType.params_check(callablefunction, 2, self.add_cache_notification_listener)
        ValidateType.type_check(eventtypes, list, self.add_cache_notification_listener)
        for eventtype in eventtypes:
            ValidateType.type_check(eventtype, EventType, self.add_cache_notification_listener)
        ValidateType.type_check(eventdatafilter, EventDataFilter, self.add_cache_notification_listener)

        eventlistener = EventsListenerHelper.get_listener(callablefunction, CacheDataModificationListener)
        javaeventtypes = EventsListenerHelper.get_event_type_enum_set(eventtypes)
        javaeventdatafilter = EnumUtil.get_event_data_filter(eventdatafilter.value)

        if keys is not None:
            if type(keys) is str:
                javakey = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(keys)

                self.__messagingservice.addCacheNotificationListener(javakey, eventlistener, javaeventtypes, javaeventdatafilter)

            elif type(keys) is list:
                for key in keys:
                    ValidateType.is_string(key, self.add_cache_notification_listener)

                javakeys = TypeCaster.to_java_array_list(keys, isjavatype=True)

                self.__messagingservice.addCacheNotificationListener(javakeys, eventlistener, javaeventtypes, javaeventdatafilter)

                raise TypeError(ExceptionHandler.get_invalid_keys_exception_message(self.add_cache_notification_listener))

            result = self.__messagingservice.addCacheNotificationListener(eventlistener, javaeventtypes, javaeventdatafilter)

            if result is not None:
                descriptor = CacheEventDescriptor(result)
                return descriptor

    def remove_cache_notification_listener(self, descriptor=None, keys=None, callablefunction=None, eventtypes=None):
        Unregisters cache notification against specified key(s) in cache. If no key is specified, this method
        unregisters a cache level event that may have been registered.

        :param descriptor: The descriptor returned when the general event was registered.
        :type descriptor: CacheEventDescriptor
        :param keys: Key or list of keys to identify the cache item.
        :type keys: list or str
        :param callablefunction: Callable function that is invoked when specified event(s) are triggered in cache.
        :type callablefunction: Callable
        :param eventtypes: List of Event types the listener is registered against.
        :type eventtypes: list
        if descriptor is not None and eventtypes is None and callablefunction is None and keys is None:
            ValidateType.type_check(descriptor, CacheEventDescriptor, self.remove_cache_notification_listener)
            javadescriptor = descriptor.get_instance()


        elif eventtypes is not None and callablefunction is not None and keys is not None:
            ValidateType.params_check(callablefunction, 2, self.add_cache_notification_listener)
            ValidateType.type_check(eventtypes, list, self.add_cache_notification_listener)
            for eventtype in eventtypes:
                ValidateType.type_check(eventtype, EventType, self.add_cache_notification_listener)

            eventlistener = EventsListenerHelper.get_listener(callablefunction, CacheDataModificationListener)
            javaeventtypes = EventsListenerHelper.get_event_type_enum_set(eventtypes)

            if type(keys) is str:
                javakey = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(keys)

                self.__messagingservice.removeCacheNotificationListener(javakey, eventlistener, javaeventtypes)

            elif type(keys) is list:
                for key in keys:
                    ValidateType.is_string(key, self.remove_cache_notification_listener)

                javakeys = TypeCaster.to_java_array_list(keys, isjavatype=True)

                self.__messagingservice.removeCacheNotificationListener(javakeys, eventlistener, javaeventtypes)

                raise TypeError(ExceptionHandler.get_invalid_keys_exception_message(self.remove_cache_notification_listener))

            raise ValueError(ExceptionHandler.exceptionmessages.get("MessagingService.remove_cache_notification_listener"))

    async def __return_coroutine(function, arg):
        return function(arg)
        # For the time being, we have only 1 possible argument. This function has to be made generic if needed in future.


def add_cache_notification_listener(self, callablefunction, eventtypes, eventdatafilter, keys=None)

Registra la notifica della cache EventType del tipo elemento aggiunto, aggiornato o rimosso rispetto alle chiavi specificate nella cache. La notifica viene registrata su tutte le chiavi se non viene specificata alcuna chiave.

:param callablefunction: funzione richiamabile da richiamare quando un elemento viene aggiornato o rimosso. Questa funzione dovrebbe seguire questa firma: callablefunction(key: str, eventarg: CacheEventArg) :type callablefunction: Callable :param eventtypes: Elenco di tipi di eventi in cui è registrato il listener. :type eventtypes: list :param eventdatafilter: indica se ricevere metadati, dati con metadati o nessuno quando viene attivata una notifica. :type eventdatafilter: EventDataFilter :param keys: chiave o elenco di chiavi per identificare l'elemento della cache. :type keys: list o str :return: istanza di CacheEventDescriptor se non viene specificata alcuna chiave. è necessario annullare la registrazione delle notifiche. :rtype: CacheEventDescriptor o Nessuno

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def add_cache_notification_listener(self, callablefunction, eventtypes, eventdatafilter, keys=None):
    Registers cache notification EventType of type item added, updated or removed against specified key(s) in cache.
    Notification is register against all the keys if no key is specified.

    :param callablefunction: Callable function to be invoked when an item is updated or removed. This
        function should follow this signature: callablefunction(key: str, eventarg: CacheEventArg)
    :type callablefunction: Callable
    :param eventtypes: List of Event types the listener is registered against.
    :type eventtypes: list
    :param eventdatafilter: Tells whether to receive metadata, data with metadata or none when a notification is
    :type eventdatafilter: EventDataFilter
    :param keys: Key or list of keys to identify the cache item.
    :type keys: list or str
    :return: Instance of CacheEventDescriptor if no key is specified. it is required to unregister the notifications.
    :rtype: CacheEventDescriptor or None
    ValidateType.params_check(callablefunction, 2, self.add_cache_notification_listener)
    ValidateType.type_check(eventtypes, list, self.add_cache_notification_listener)
    for eventtype in eventtypes:
        ValidateType.type_check(eventtype, EventType, self.add_cache_notification_listener)
    ValidateType.type_check(eventdatafilter, EventDataFilter, self.add_cache_notification_listener)

    eventlistener = EventsListenerHelper.get_listener(callablefunction, CacheDataModificationListener)
    javaeventtypes = EventsListenerHelper.get_event_type_enum_set(eventtypes)
    javaeventdatafilter = EnumUtil.get_event_data_filter(eventdatafilter.value)

    if keys is not None:
        if type(keys) is str:
            javakey = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(keys)

            self.__messagingservice.addCacheNotificationListener(javakey, eventlistener, javaeventtypes, javaeventdatafilter)

        elif type(keys) is list:
            for key in keys:
                ValidateType.is_string(key, self.add_cache_notification_listener)

            javakeys = TypeCaster.to_java_array_list(keys, isjavatype=True)

            self.__messagingservice.addCacheNotificationListener(javakeys, eventlistener, javaeventtypes, javaeventdatafilter)

            raise TypeError(ExceptionHandler.get_invalid_keys_exception_message(self.add_cache_notification_listener))

        result = self.__messagingservice.addCacheNotificationListener(eventlistener, javaeventtypes, javaeventdatafilter)

        if result is not None:
            descriptor = CacheEventDescriptor(result)
            return descriptor
def create_topic(self, topicname, topicpriority=None)

Crea e recupera l'istanza dell'argomento rispetto al nome e alla priorità dell'argomento specificati.

:param topicname: nome o modello per identificare l'argomento. :type topicname: str :param topicpriority: specifica la priorità relativa dell'argomento archiviato nella cache. :type topicpriority: TopicPriority :return: l'istanza dell'argomento. :rtype: Argomento

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def create_topic(self, topicname, topicpriority=None):
    Creates and retrieves the topic instance against the specified topic name and priority.

    :param topicname: Name or pattern to identify topic.
    :type topicname: str
    :param topicpriority: Specifies the relative priority of the topic stored in cache.
    :type topicpriority: TopicPriority
    :return: The topic instance.
    :rtype: Topic
    ValidateType.is_string(topicname, self.create_topic)
    javatopicname = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(topicname)

    if topicpriority is not None:
        ValidateType.type_check(topicpriority, TopicPriority, self.create_topic)
        javatopicpriority = EnumUtil.get_topic_priority(topicpriority.value)

        result = self.__messagingservice.createTopic(javatopicname, javatopicpriority)

        result = self.__messagingservice.createTopic(javatopicname)

    if result is not None:
        result = Topic(result)

    return result
def delete_topic(self, topicname)

Elimina l'istanza dell'argomento rispetto al nome dell'argomento specificato.

:param topicname: nome o modello per identificare l'argomento. :tipo nome argomento: str

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def delete_topic(self, topicname):
    Deletes the topic instance against the specified topic name.

    :param topicname: Name or pattern to identify topic.
    :type topicname: str
    ValidateType.is_string(topicname, self.delete_topic)
    javatopicname = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(topicname)

def delete_topic_async(self, topicname)

Elimina l'istanza dell'argomento in modo asincrono rispetto al nome dell'argomento specificato.

:param topicname: nome o modello per identificare l'argomento. :type topicname: str :return: attività futura che esegue un'operazione di eliminazione dell'argomento in background. I metodi di attività possono essere utilizzati per determinare lo stato dell'attività. :rtype: compito

Espandi il codice sorgente
def delete_topic_async(self, topicname):
    Deletes the topic instance asynchronously against the specified topic name.

    :param topicname: Name or pattern to identify topic.
    :type topicname: str
    :return: Future task that performs a delete topic operation in background.Methods of Task can be used to
        determine status of the task.
    :rtype: Task
    ValidateType.is_string(topicname, self.delete_topic_async)
    return asyncio.create_task(self.__return_coroutine(self.delete_topic, topicname))
def get_topic(self, topicname, searchoptions=None)

Recupera l'istanza dell'argomento rispetto a TopicSearchOptions e il nome o il modello fornito.

:param topicname: nome o modello per identificare l'argomento. :type topicname: str :param searchoptions: TopicSearchOptions specifica di cercare l'argomento per nome o modello. :type searchoptions: TopicSearchOptions :return: restituisce l'istanza dell'argomento, None se non esiste. :rtype: Argomento o Nessuno

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def get_topic(self, topicname, searchoptions=None):
    Retrieves the topic instance against the TopicSearchOptions and provided name or pattern.

    :param topicname: Name or pattern to identify topic.
    :type topicname: str
    :param searchoptions: TopicSearchOptions specifies to search topic by name or pattern.
    :type searchoptions: TopicSearchOptions
    :return: Returns the topic instance, None if it does not exist.
    :rtype: Topic or None
    ValidateType.is_string(topicname, self.get_topic)
    javatopicname = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(topicname)

    if searchoptions is not None:
        ValidateType.type_check(searchoptions, TopicSearchOptions, self.get_topic)
        javasearchoptions = EnumUtil.get_topic_search_options(searchoptions.value)

        result = self.__messagingservice.getTopic(javatopicname, javasearchoptions)

        result = self.__messagingservice.getTopic(javatopicname)

    if result is not None:
        result = Topic(result)

    return result
def register_cq(self, query)

Registra la query continua specificata con il server cache. Puoi utilizzare questo metodo più volte nella tua applicazione a seconda della sua necessità di ricevere le notifiche per una modifica nel set di dati della tua query. Questo metodo prende come argomento un oggetto di ContinuousQuery che ha la query ei listener registrati ad essa.

:param query: query di tipo SQL da eseguire nella cache. :tipo query: ContinuousQuery

Espandi il codice sorgente
def register_cq(self, query):
    Registers the specified continuous query with the cache server. You can use this method multiple times in your
    application depending on its need to receive the notifications for a change in the dataset of your query. This
    method takes as argument an object of ContinuousQuery which has the query and the listeners registered to it.

    :param query: SQL-like query to be executed on cache.
    :type query: ContinuousQuery
    ValidateType.type_check(query, ContinuousQuery, self.register_cq)

def remove_cache_notification_listener(self, descriptor=None, keys=None, callablefunction=None, eventtypes=None)

Annulla la registrazione della notifica della cache rispetto alle chiavi specificate nella cache. Se non viene specificata alcuna chiave, questo metodo annulla la registrazione di un evento a livello di cache che potrebbe essere stato registrato.

:param descriptor: il descrittore restituito quando è stato registrato l'evento generale. :type descriptor: CacheEventDescriptor :param keys: chiave o elenco di chiavi per identificare l'elemento della cache. :type keys: list o str :param callablefunction: funzione richiamabile che viene richiamata quando gli eventi specificati vengono attivati ​​nella cache. :type callablefunction: Callable :param eventtypes: Elenco di tipi di eventi in base ai quali è registrato il listener. :tipo tipi di evento: elenco

Espandi il codice sorgente
def remove_cache_notification_listener(self, descriptor=None, keys=None, callablefunction=None, eventtypes=None):
    Unregisters cache notification against specified key(s) in cache. If no key is specified, this method
    unregisters a cache level event that may have been registered.

    :param descriptor: The descriptor returned when the general event was registered.
    :type descriptor: CacheEventDescriptor
    :param keys: Key or list of keys to identify the cache item.
    :type keys: list or str
    :param callablefunction: Callable function that is invoked when specified event(s) are triggered in cache.
    :type callablefunction: Callable
    :param eventtypes: List of Event types the listener is registered against.
    :type eventtypes: list
    if descriptor is not None and eventtypes is None and callablefunction is None and keys is None:
        ValidateType.type_check(descriptor, CacheEventDescriptor, self.remove_cache_notification_listener)
        javadescriptor = descriptor.get_instance()


    elif eventtypes is not None and callablefunction is not None and keys is not None:
        ValidateType.params_check(callablefunction, 2, self.add_cache_notification_listener)
        ValidateType.type_check(eventtypes, list, self.add_cache_notification_listener)
        for eventtype in eventtypes:
            ValidateType.type_check(eventtype, EventType, self.add_cache_notification_listener)

        eventlistener = EventsListenerHelper.get_listener(callablefunction, CacheDataModificationListener)
        javaeventtypes = EventsListenerHelper.get_event_type_enum_set(eventtypes)

        if type(keys) is str:
            javakey = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(keys)

            self.__messagingservice.removeCacheNotificationListener(javakey, eventlistener, javaeventtypes)

        elif type(keys) is list:
            for key in keys:
                ValidateType.is_string(key, self.remove_cache_notification_listener)

            javakeys = TypeCaster.to_java_array_list(keys, isjavatype=True)

            self.__messagingservice.removeCacheNotificationListener(javakeys, eventlistener, javaeventtypes)

            raise TypeError(ExceptionHandler.get_invalid_keys_exception_message(self.remove_cache_notification_listener))

        raise ValueError(ExceptionHandler.exceptionmessages.get("MessagingService.remove_cache_notification_listener"))
def un_register_cq(self, query)

Annulla la registrazione di una query continua già registrata per disattivarla sul server cache. Come registerCQ, prende come argomento un oggetto di ContinuousQuery per annullare la registrazione dei listener che non vengono più attivati ​​dopo questa chiamata.

:param query: query di tipo SQL da eseguire nella cache. :tipo query: ContinuousQuery

Espandi il codice sorgente
def un_register_cq(self, query):
    Unregisters an already registered continuous query to deactivate it on the cache server. Like registerCQ, it
    takes as argument an object of ContinuousQuery to unregister the listeners which are no more fired after this

    :param query: SQL-like query to be executed on cache.
    :type query: ContinuousQuery
    ValidateType.type_check(query, ContinuousQuery, self.un_register_cq)
