

# (constant) CacheItemPriority :number

Specifies the relative priority of items stored in the Cache. When the application's cache is full or runs low on memory, the Cache selectively purges items to free system memory. When an item is added to the Cache, you can assign it a relative priority compared to the other items stored in the Cache. Items you assign higher priority values to are less likely to be deleted from the Cache when the server is processing a large number of requests, while items you assign lower priority values are more likely to be deleted. The default is Normal.

  • number
Name Type Description
Normal number

Cache items with this priority level are likely to be deleted from the cache as the server frees system memory only after those items with Low or BelowNormal priority. This is the default.

Low number

Cache items with this priority level are the most likely to be deleted from the cache as the server frees system memory.

BelowNormal number

Cache items with this priority level are more likely to be deleted from the cache as the server frees system memory than items assigned a Normal priority.

AboveNormal number

Cache items with this priority level are less likely to be deleted as the server frees system memory than those assigned a Normal priority.

High number

Cache items with this priority level are the least likely to be deleted from the cache as the server frees system memory.

NotRemovable number

The cache items with this priority level will not be deleted from the cache as the server frees system memory.

Default number

The default value for a cached item's priority is Normal.

# (constant) CacheItemRemovedReason :number

This enumeration works in concert CacheItemRemovedCallback callback to notify your applications when and why an object was removed from the Cache.

  • number
Name Type Description
DependencyChanged number

The item is removed from the cache because a file or key dependency changed.

Expired number

The item is removed from the cache because it expired.

Removed number

The item is removed from the cache by a Cache.Remove method call or by an Cache.Insert method call that specified the same key.

Underused number

The item is removed from the cache because the system removed it to free memory.

DependencyInvalid number

The item is removed from the cache because the its dependency was invalid.

# (constant) CacheStatusNotificationType :number

Provides constants for cache status notification type

  • number
Name Type Description
MemberJoined number

receive notifications when member joined

MemberLeft number

receive notifications when member left

CacheStopped number

receive notifications when cacheis stoped

ALL number

receive all notifications

# (constant) ClientCacheSyncMode :number

Gets/Sets Enumeration to specify how the Client cache is synchronized with the cluster caches through events.

  • number
Name Type Description
Pessimistic number

In "Pessimistic" mode of synchronization, client cache always checks for the "version" of the cached item before returning it to the application.

Optimistic number

It is possible that client caches are not synchronized with clustered cache for a small period of time. If during this time users gets an item from the client cache, he may get an old version. This is the "Optimistic" mode of synchronization

# (constant) CmdParamsType :number

Describes the type of the parameters passed to the command.

  • number
Name Type Description
BigInt number

System.Int64. A 64-bit signed integer.

Binary number

System.Array of type System.Byte. A fixed-length stream of binary data ranging between 1 and 8,000 bytes.

Bit number

An unsigned numeric value that can be 0, 1, or null.

Char number

A fixed-length stream of non-Unicode characters ranging between 1 and 8,000 characters.

DateTime number

Date and time data ranging in value from January 1, 1753 to December 31, 9999 to an accuracy of 3.33 milliseconds.

Decimal number

A fixed precision and scale numeric value between -10 38 -1 and 10 38 -1.

Float number

A floating point number within the range of -1.79E +308 through 1.79E +308.

Int number

A 32-bit signed integer.

Money number

A currency value ranging from -2 63 :or -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 2 63 -1 :or +9,223,372,036,854,775,807 with an accuracy to a ten-thousandth of a currency unit.

NChar number

A fixed-length stream of Unicode characters ranging between 1 and 4,000 characters.

NVarChar number

A variable-length stream of Unicode characters ranging between 1 and 4,000 characters. Implicit conversion fails if the string is greater than 4,000 characters. Explicitly set the object when working with strings longer than 4,000 characters.

Real number

A floating point number within the range of -3.40E +38 through 3.40E +38.

UniqueIdentifier number

A globally unique identifier :or GUID.

SmallDateTime number

Date and time data ranging in value from January 1, 1900 to June 6, 2079 to an accuracy of one minute.

SmallInt number

A 16-bit signed integer.

SmallMoney number

A currency value ranging from -214,748.3648 to +214,748.3647 with an accuracy to a ten-thousandth of a currency unit.

Timestamp number

Automatically generated binary numbers, which are guaranteed to be unique within a database. timestamp is used typically as a mechanism for version-stamping table rows. The storage size is 8 bytes.

TinyInt number

An 8-bit unsigned integer.

VarBinary number

A variable-length stream of binary data ranging between 1 and 8,000 bytes. Implicit conversion fails if the byte array is greater than 8,000 bytes. Explicitly set the object when working with byte arrays larger than 8,000 bytes.

VarChar number

A variable-length stream of non-Unicode characters ranging between 1 and 8,000 characters.

Variant number

A special data type that can contain numeric, string, binary, or date data as well as the SQL Server values Empty and Null, which is assumed if no other type is declared.

Xml number

An XML value.

Udt number

A SQL Server 2005 user-defined type :UDT.

Structured number

A special data type for specifying structured data contained in table-valued parameters.

Date number

Date data ranging in value from January 1,1 AD through December 31, 9999 AD.

Time number

Time data based on a 24-hour clock. Time value range is 00:00:00 through 23:59:59.9999999 with an accuracy of 100 nanoseconds.

DateTime2 number

Date and time data. Date value range is from January 1,1 AD through December 31, 9999 AD. Time value range is 00:00:00 through 23:59:59.9999999 with an accuracy of 100 nanoseconds.

DateTimeOffset number

Date and time data with time zone awareness. Date value range is from January 1,1 AD through December 31, 9999 AD. Time value range is 00:00:00 through 23:59:59.9999999 with an accuracy of 100 nanoseconds. Time zone value range is -14:00 through +14:00.

# (constant) CommandType :number

Describes the type of the command passed to the Dependency.

  • number
Name Type Description
Text number

An SQL text command. (Default.)

StoredProcedure number

The name of a stored procedure.

TableDirect number

The name of a table.

# (constant) DataTypeEventDataFilter :number

contains DataTypeEventDataFilter for data structure

  • number
Name Type Description
None number

This specifies that no data or meta data is required when an event notification is raised.

Data number

This specifies that item of collection is required when an event notification is raised.

# (constant) DeliveryMode :number

  • number
Name Type Description
Async number

data will be delivered asynchronously

Sync number

data will be delivered synchronously

# (constant) DeliveryOption :number

NCache provides a DeliveryOption enum which specifies how the message should be delivered to any registered subscribers. The delivery option is specified during message publishing phase. It contains the following options.

  • number
Name Type Description
All number

Delivers message to all registered subscribers, if no subscriber has been registered, it will return without any failure acknowledgment. Message will be sent to any subscriber when it registers on topic; unless message expiration has not occurred.

Any number

Delivers message to any one of the registered subscribers. If acknowledgement is not received, the message is reassigned to another subscriber till it reaches its expiration time limit.

# (constant) DistributedDataStructure :number

Contains DistributedDataStructure types

  • number
Name Type Description
List number

For distributed list.

Queue number

For distributed queue.

Counter number

For distributed counter.

# (constant) EntryType :number

An enumeration specifying the type of entry in cache.

  • number
Name Type Description
CacheItem number

Specifies that the entry under question is a cache item.

List number

Specifies that the entry under question is a collection item of type list.

Queue number

Specifies that the entry under question is a collection item of type queue.

Set number

Specifies that the entry under question is a collection item of type set.

Dictionary number

Specifies that the entry under question is a collection item of type dictionary.

Counter number

Specifies that the entry under question is a collection item of type counter.

TypeLess number

Specifies that the entry under question has no type.

# (constant) EventDataFilter :number

NCache provides an enum EventDataFilter to specify how much data should be retrieved from cache when a notification is raised. This is specified when user registers a notification.

  • number
Name Type Description
None number

This specifies that no data or meta data is required when an event notification is raised.

Metadata number

This specifies that only meta data of cache item is required when an event notification is raised. Meta data includes in information like groups, subgroups, cacheItemPriority, item version etc.

DataWithMetadata number

This specifies that the value of the cache item is required along with all the meta data when an event notification is raised.

# (constant) EventType :number

NCache provides an EventType enum which specifies the type of event to be registered by the user. Event types are specified at the time of notification registration.

  • number
Name Type Description
ItemAdded number

User receives a notification when an item is added in cache.

ItemUpdated number

when an item is updated in cache.

ItemRemoved number

User receives a notification when an item is removed from cache.

# (constant) ExpirationType :number

The type of expiration to be used while expiring items in cache. The value of this type varies from item to item in cache.

  • number
Name Type Description
None number

Indicates that no expiration is to take place.

Sliding number

Indicates that item expiration in cache is to follow idle expiration.

Absolute number

Indicates that item expiration in cache is to follow fixed expiration.

DefaultAbsolute number

Indicates that item expiration in cache is to follow fixed expiration and value should be taken from 'DefaultAbsolute' field in NCache Manager.

DefaultAbsoluteLonger number

Indicates that item expiration in cache is to follow fixed expiration and value should be taken from 'DefaultAbsoluteLonger' field in NCache Manager.

DefaultSliding number

Indicates that item expiration in cache is to follow fixed expiration and value should be taken from 'DefaultSliding' field in NCache Manager.

DefaultSlidingLonger number

Indicates that item expiration in cache is to follow fixed expiration and value should be taken from 'DefaultSlidingLonger' field in NCache Manager.

# (constant) IsolationLevel :number

Specifies the Isolation level of the Cache.

  • number
Name Type Description
default number

Isolation level of Cache will be read from the configuration file.

InProc number

InProc specifies low Isolation level i.e Cache process is embeded inside the application process.

OutProc number

OutProc specifies high isolation level i.e Cache process runs in a seprate process.

# (constant) KeyDependencyType :number

An enumeration that defines the operation upon which key dependency is to be triggered.

  • number
Name Type Description
UpdateOrRemove number

Trigger key dependency when an update or remove operation takes place on the cache item. This is the default value.

RemoveOnly number

Trigger key dependency when a remove operation takes place on the cache item.

# (constant) LogLevel :number

Sets the LogLevel either as Info, Error or Debug.

  • number
Name Type Description
Info number

log level will be set to information

Error number

log level will be set to error

Debug number

log level will be set to debug

# (constant) MessageFailureReason :number

The reason for failed message delivery.

  • number
Name Type Description
Expired number

Failed because it got evicted before delivery.

Evicted number

Failed because it could not be delivered within expiration time.

# (constant) OracleCmdParamsType :number

Describes the type of the parameters passed to the Oracle command.

  • number
Name Type Description
BFile number

The BFILE datatype stores unstructured binary data in operating-system files outside the database. A BFILE column or attribute stores a file locator that points to an external file containing the data. The amount of BFILE data that can be stored is limited by the operating system.

Blob number

The BLOB datatype stores unstructured binary data in the database. BLOBs can store up to 128 terabytes of binary data.

Byte number

Allows whole numbers from 0 to 255

Char number

The CHAR datatype stores fixed-length character strings. String length (in bytes or characters) is between 1 and 2000 bytes. The default is 1 byte.

Clob number

The CLOB datatypes store up to 128 terabytes of character data in the database. CLOBs store database character set data.

Date number

The Date datatype stores point-in-time values (dates and times) in a table. The Date datatype stores the year (including the century), the month, the day, the hours, the minutes, and the seconds (after midnight).

Decimal number

Decimal number datatype.

Double number

64-bit, double-precision floating-point number datatype.

Int16 number

A 16-bit signed integer.

Int32 number

A 32-bit signed integer.

Int64 number

A 64-bit signed integer.

IntervalDS number

Interval Day to Second literal.

IntervalYM number

Interval Year to Month Literal.

Long number

Long can store variable-length character data containing up to 2 gigabytes of information. Long data is text data that is to be appropriately converted when moving among different systems.

LongRaw number

The LONG RAW datatypes is used for data that is not to be interpreted (not converted when moving data between different systems) by Oracle Database. These datatypes are intended for binary data or byte strings.

NChar number

The maximum length of an NCHAR column is 2000 bytes. It can hold up to 2000 characters. The actual data is subject to the maximum byte limit of 2000. The two size constraints must be satisfied simultaneously at run time.

NClob number

The NCLOB datatypes store up to 128 terabytes of character data in the database. NCLOBs store Unicode national character set data.

NVarchar2 number

The maximum length of an NVARCHAR2 column is 4000 bytes. It can hold up to 4000 characters. The actual data is subject to the maximum byte limit of 4000. The two size constraints must be satisfied simultaneously at run time.

Raw number

The Raw datatype is used for data that is not to be interpreted (not converted when moving data between different systems) by Oracle Database. These datatypes are intended for binary data or byte strings.

RefCursor number

A REF CURSOR is a PL/SQL data type whose value is the memory address of a query work area on the database.

Single number
TimeStamp number

Single byte character sets.

TimeStampLTZ number

Timestamp WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE is stored in the database time zone. When a user selects the data, the value is adjusted to the user's session time zone.

TimeStampTZ number

Get the system date and time accroding to the timezone returned in a Timestamp datatype.

Varchar2 number

The VARCHAR2 datatype stores variable-length character strings. Maximum string length (in bytes or characters) is between 1 and 4000 bytes for the VARCHAR2 column.

XmlType number

XMLType can be used like any other user-defined type.

# (constant) OracleCommandType :number

Describes the type of the Oracle command passed to the OracleDependency.

  • number
Name Type Description
Text number

Text SQL statement to execute against the database.

StoredProcedure number

When the CommandType property is set to StoredProcedure, the CommandText property should be set to the name of the stored procedure.

# (constant) OracleParameterDirection :number

Describes whether the passed parameters are out parameters or not.

  • number
Name Type Description
Input number

In parameters.

Output number

Out parameters.

# (constant) ReadMode :number

Enumeration that defines the read mode if item is not found in cache.

  • number
Name Type Description
None number

Return null if item not found.

ReadThru number

Look data source for item if not found.

ReadThruForced number

Forcefully look data source for item and update/add item in cache.

# (constant) SqlCmpOptions :number

Specifies the SQL compare options.

  • number
Name Type Description
None number

Specifies the default option settings for SqlString comparisons.

IgnoreCase number

Specifies that SqlString comparisons must ignore case.

IgnoreNonSpace number

Specifies that SqlString comparisons must ignore nonspace combining characters, such as diacritics. The Unicode Standard defines combining characters as characters that are combined with base characters to produce a new character. Non-space combining characters do not use character space by themselves when rendered. For more information about non-space combining characters, see the Unicode Standard at

IgnoreKanaType number

Specifies that SqlString comparisons must ignore the Kana type. Kana type refers to Japanese hiragana and katakana characters that represent phonetic sounds in the Japanese language. Hiragana is used for native Japanese expressions and words, while katakana is used for words borrowed from other languages, such as "computer" or "Internet". A phonetic sound can be expressed in both hiragana and katakana. If this value is selected, the hiragana character for one sound is considered equal to the katakana character for the same sound.

IgnoreWidth number

Specifies that SqlString comparisons must ignore the character width. For example, Japanese katakana characters can be written as full-width or half-width and, if this value is selected, the katakana characters written as full-width are considered equal to the same characters written in half-width.

BinarySort2 number

Performs a binary sort

BinarySort number

Specifies that sorts should be based on a characters numeric value instead of its alphabetical value

# (constant) SqlCommandType :number

Describes the type of the command passed to the SqlDependency.

  • number
Name Type Description
Text number

An SQL text command. (Default.)

StoredProcedure number

The name of a stored procedure.

# (constant) SqlDataRowVersion :number

Sets the DataRowVersion to use when you load Value

  • number
Name Type Description
Original number

The row contains its original values.

Current number

The row contains current values.

Poposed number

The row contains a proposed value.

Default number

The default version of System.Data.DataRowState. For a DataRowState value of Added, Modified or Deleted, the default version is Current. For a System.Data.DataRowState value of Detached, the version is Proposed.

# (constant) SqlParamDirection :number

Sets the SQL param direction.

  • number
Name Type Description
Input number

Used for Input variables. The value will be passed from calling environment. This is the default.

Output number

Used for Output variable and value will be returned to calling environment.

InputOutput number

The parameter can perform both input and output.

ReturnValue number

The parameter represents a return value from an operation such as a stored procedure, built-in function, or user-defined function.

# (constant) SubscriptionPolicy :number

Defines the policy used in case of Durable subscription.

  • number
Name Type Description
Shared number

Shared subscription policy is for multiple subscribers on a single subscription. In this case messages are sent to any of the topic subscribers. This policy provides better load division over clients subscribing to a subscription.

Exclusive number

Exclusive subscription policy is for a single subscriber on a single subscription. In this case messages are recieved by the single subscriber only.

# (constant) TagSearchOptions :number

Enumeration that defines the tag search options.

  • number
Name Type Description
ByAllTags number

Search objects that have all of the tags in common.

ByAnyTag number

Search objects that have any of the specified tags in common.

# (constant) TopicPriority :number

set topic priority, default is Normal

  • number
Name Type Description
Low number

set priority for topic as Low

Normal number

set priority for topic as Normal

High number

set priority for topic as High

# (constant) TopicSearchOptions :number

Specifies the option through which the topic is searched by.

  • number
Name Type Description
ByName number

Search by name.

ByPattern number

Search by pattern.

# (constant) WriteBehindOpStatus :number

Enumeration that defines the staus of write behind operation.

  • number
Name Type Description
Failure number

If user code returned false

Success number

If write behind operation was successful

# (constant) WriteMode :number

Enumeration that defines the update operation on cache can update data source.

  • number
Name Type Description
None number

Does not update data source.

WriteThru number

Updates data source synchronously.

WriteBehind number

Updates data source asynchronously.

# (constant) WriteOperationType :number

Used to log the operations type in Write behind

  • number
Name Type Description
Add number

To log the Add Items operations in write behind.

Update number

To log the Update Items Operations in write behind.

Delete number

To log the Delete operations in write behind.