Module ncache.client.CacheConnectionOptions

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from ncache.runtime.util.EnumUtil import EnumUtil
from ncache.util.JavaInstancesFactory import *
from ncache.client.Credentials import Credentials
from ncache.client.ServerInfo import ServerInfo
from ncache.client.enum.ClientCacheSyncMode import ClientCacheSyncMode
from ncache.client.enum.IsolationLevel import IsolationLevel
from ncache.client.enum.LogLevel import LogLevel
from ncache.runtime.util.TimeSpan import TimeSpan
from ncache.util.TypeCaster import TypeCaster
from ncache.util.ValidateType import ValidateType

class CacheConnectionOptions:
    Instance of this class can be used to define the parameters at the time of client connection with the cache.
    def __init__(self):
        self.__cacheconnectionoptions = JavaInstancesFactory.get_java_instance("CacheConnectionOptions")()

    def get_instance(self):
        return self.__cacheconnectionoptions

    def set_instance(self, value):
        self.__cacheconnectionoptions = value

    def get_server_list(self):
        Gets the list of ServerInfo in the cache.

        :return: The list of Server info's.
        :rtype: list
        result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getServerList()

        if result is not None:
            result = TypeCaster.to_python_list(result, isjavatype=False, classinstance=ServerInfo())

        return result

    def set_server_list(self, serverlist):
        Gets the list of ServerInfo in the cache.

        :param serverlist: The list of Server info's.
        :type serverlist: list
        ValidateType.type_check(serverlist, list, self.set_server_list)
        for server in serverlist:
            ValidateType.type_check(server, ServerInfo, self.set_server_list)

        javaserverlist = TypeCaster.to_java_array_list(serverlist, isjavatype=False)

    def get_isolation_mode(self):
        Gets the Isolation level of the cache.

        :return: The isolation level of the cache.
        :rtype: IsolationLevel

        result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getIsolationMode()

        if result is not None:
            result = EnumUtil.get_isolation_level_value(result)

        return result

    def set_isolation_level(self, isolationlevel):
        Sets the isolation level of the cache.

        :param isolationlevel: The isolation level of the cache.
        :type isolationlevel: IsolationLevel
        ValidateType.type_check(isolationlevel, IsolationLevel, self.set_isolation_level)

        javaisolationlevel = EnumUtil.get_isolation_level(isolationlevel.value)

    def get_default_read_thru_provider(self):
        Gets the name of the default ReadThruProvider.

        :return: The name of the default ReadThruProvider.
        :rtype: str
        result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getDefaultReadThruProvider()

        if result is not None:
            result = TypeCaster.to_python_primitive_type(result)

        return result

    def set_default_read_thru_provider(self, providername):
        Sets the name of the default ReadThruProvider.

        :param providername: The name of the default ReadThruProvider.
        :type providername: str
        ValidateType.is_string(providername, self.set_default_read_thru_provider)
        javaprovidername = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(providername)


    def get_default_write_thru_provider(self):
        Gets the name of the default WriteThruProvider.

        :return: The name of the default WriteThruProvider.
        :rtype: str
        result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getDefaultWriteThruProvider()

        if result is not None:
            result = TypeCaster.to_python_primitive_type(result)

        return result

    def set_default_write_thru_provider(self, providername):
        Sets the name of the default WriteThruProvider.

        :param providername: The name of the default WriteThruProvider.
        :type providername: str
        ValidateType.is_string(providername, self.set_default_write_thru_provider)
        javaprovidername = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(providername)


    def get_client_bind_ip(self):
        Gets the IP for the client to be bind with.

        :return: The IP for the client to be bind with.
        :rtype: str
        result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getClientBindIP()

        if result is not None:
            result = TypeCaster.to_python_primitive_type(result)

        return result

    def set_client_bind_ip(self, ip):
        Sets the IP for the client to be bind with.

        :param ip: The IP for the client to be bind with.
        :type ip: str
        ValidateType.is_string(ip, self.set_client_bind_ip)
        javaip = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(ip)


    def get_app_name(self):
        Gets the application name.If different client applications are connected to server and because of any issue
        which results in connection failure with server, after the client again establishes connection AppName is used
        to identify these different client applications.

        :return: The application name.
        :rtype: str
        result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getAppName()

        if result is not None:
            result = TypeCaster.to_python_primitive_type(result)

        return result

    def set_app_name(self, appname):
        Sets the application name.If different client applications are connected to server and because of any issue
        which results in connection failure with server, after the client again establishes connection AppName is used
        to identify these different client applications.

        :param appname: The application name.
        :type appname: str
        ValidateType.is_string(appname, self.set_app_name)
        javaappname = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(appname)


    def get_load_balance(self):
        When this flag is set, client tries to connect to the optimum server in terms of number of connected clients.

        :return: True if loadBalancing is enabled, otherwise False.
        result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getLoadBalance()

        if result is not None:
            result = TypeCaster.to_python_primitive_type(result)

        return result

    def set_load_balance(self, value):
        When this flag is set, client tries to connect to the optimum server in terms of number of connected clients.

        :param value: The boolean value indicating whether to set LoadBalancing True or False.
        :type value: bool
        ValidateType.is_string(value, self.set_load_balance)
        javavalue = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(value)


    def get_client_cache_mode(self):
        Gets ClientCacheSyncMode to specify how the Client cache is synchronized with the cluster caches through events.

        :return: The client cache sync mode associated with connection options.
        :rtype: ClientCacheSyncMode
        result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getClientCacheMode()

        if result is not None:
            result = EnumUtil.get_client_cache_sync_mode_value(result)

        return result

    def get_client_request_timeout(self):
        Clients operation timeout specified in seconds. Clients wait for the response from the server for this time. If
        the response is not received within this time, the operation is not successful.

        :return: The request timeout associated with connection options.
        :rtype: TimeSpan
        result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getClientRequestTimeOut()

        if result is not None:
            timespan = TimeSpan(123)

            return timespan

    def get_command_retries(self):
        If client application sends request to server for any operation and a response is not received, then the number
        of retries it will make until it gets response is defined here.

        :return: An integer indicating the number of command retries.
        :rtype: int
        result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getCommandRetries()

        if result is not None:
            result = TypeCaster.to_python_primitive_type(result)

        return result

    def get_command_retry_interval(self):
        In case if client app doesn't get response against some operation call on server, the command retry interval
        defines the waiting period before the next attempt to send the operation the server is made. Type integer which
        defines seconds.

        :return: The command retry interval in form of TimeSpan.
        :rtype: TimeSpan
        result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getCommandRetryInterval()

        if result is not None:
            timespan = TimeSpan(123)

            return timespan

    def get_connection_retries(self):
        Number of tries to re-establish a broken connection between client and server.

        :return: An integer indicating the number of retries.
        :rtype: int
        result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getConnectionRetries()

        if result is not None:
            result = TypeCaster.to_python_primitive_type(result)

        return result

    def get_connection_timeout(self):
        Client's connection timeout specified in seconds.

        :return: The client connection timeout in form of a TimeSpan.
        :rtype: TimeSpan
        result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getConnectionTimeout()

        if result is not None:
            timespan = TimeSpan(123)

            return timespan

    def get_enable_client_logs(self):
        Gets the flag that specifies whether to create client logs or not.

        :return: True if client logs are enabled otherwise False.
        :rtype: bool
        result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getEnableClientLogs()

        if result is not None:
            result = TypeCaster.to_python_primitive_type(result)

        return result

    def get_enable_keep_alive(self):
        Gets the keep alive flag.

        :return: True if keep alive enabled otherwise false.
        :rtype: bool
        result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getEnableKeepAlive()

        if result is not None:
            result = TypeCaster.to_python_primitive_type(result)

        return result

    def get_keep_alive_interval(self):
        Gets the KeepAliveInterval, which will be in effect if the EnabledKeepAlive is set 'True' or is specified 'True'
        from the client configuration.

        :return: The keep alive interval in form of TimeSpan.
        :rtype: TimeSpan
        result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getKeepAliveInterval()

        if result is not None:
            timespan = TimeSpan(123)

            return timespan

    def get_log_level(self):
        Gets the LogLevel either as INFO, ERROR or DEBUG.

        :return: The log level associated with connection options.
        :rtype: LogLevel
        result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getLogLevel()

        if result is not None:
            result = EnumUtil.get_log_level_value(result)

        return result

    def get_retry_connection_delay(self):
        The time after which client will try to reconnect to the server.

        :return: The retry connection delay in form of TimeSpan.
        :rtype: TimeSpan
        result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getRetryConnectionDelay()

        if result is not None:
            timespan = TimeSpan(123)

            return timespan

    def get_retry_interval(self):
        Time in seconds to wait between two connection retries.

        :return: The retry interval in form of TimeSpan.
        :rtype: TimeSpan
        result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getRetryInterval()

        if result is not None:
            timespan = TimeSpan(123)

            return timespan

    def get_user_credentials(self):
        Gets Credentials for the authentication of connection with the cache. This information is required when the
        security is enabled.

        :return: The credentials for the authentication of cache connection.
        :rtype: Credentials
        result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getUserCredentials()

        if result is not None:
            credentials = Credentials()

            return credentials

    def set_client_cache_mode(self, clientcachemode):
        Sets ClientCacheSyncMode to specify how the Client cache is synchronized with the cluster caches through events.

        :param clientcachemode: The client cache sync mode to be associated with connection options.
        :type clientcachemode: ClientCacheSyncMode
        ValidateType.type_check(clientcachemode, ClientCacheSyncMode, self.set_client_cache_mode)

        javaclientcachemode = EnumUtil.get_client_cache_sync_mode(clientcachemode.value)

    def set_client_request_timeout(self, timeout):
        Clients operation timeout specified in seconds. Clients wait for the response from the server for this time. If
        the response is not received within this time, the operation is not successful.

        :param timeout: The request timeout to be associated with connection options.
        :type timeout: TimeSpan
        ValidateType.type_check(timeout, TimeSpan, self.set_client_request_timeout)

        javatimeout = timeout.get_instance()

    def set_command_retries(self, retries):
        Number of tries to re-establish a broken connection between client and server.

        :param retries: An int indicating the number of retries.
        :type retries: int
        ValidateType.is_int(retries, self.set_command_retries)

        javaretries = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(retries)

    def set_command_retry_interval(self, retryinterval):
        In case if client app doesn't get response against some operation call on server, the command retry interval
        defines the waiting period before the next attempt to send the operation the server is made. Type integer which
        defines seconds.

        :param retryinterval: The command retry interval in form of TimeSpan.
        :type retryinterval: TimeSpan
        ValidateType.type_check(retryinterval, TimeSpan, self.get_command_retry_interval)

        javatimeout = retryinterval.get_instance()

    def set_connection_retries(self, retries):
        Number of tries to re-establish a broken connection between client and server.

        :param retries: An int indicating the number of retries.
        :type retries: int
        ValidateType.is_int(retries, self.set_connection_retries)

        javaretries = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(retries)

    def set_connection_timeout(self, timeout):
        Client's connection timeout specified in seconds.

        :param timeout: The client connection timeout in form of a TimeSpan.
        :type timeout: TimeSpan
        ValidateType.type_check(timeout, TimeSpan, self.set_connection_timeout)

        javatimeout = timeout.get_instance()

    def set_enable_client_logs(self, enablelogs):
        Sets the flag that specifies whether to create client logs or not.

        :param enablelogs: The boolean value that specifies whether client logs are enabled or not.
        :type enablelogs: bool
        ValidateType.type_check(enablelogs, bool, self.set_enable_client_logs)

        javaenablelogs = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(enablelogs)

    def set_enable_keep_alive(self, enablekeepalive):
        Sets the keep alive flag.

        :param enablekeepalive: A boolean value that specifies whether to enable keep alive or not.
        :type enablekeepalive: bool
        ValidateType.type_check(enablekeepalive, bool, self.set_enable_keep_alive)

        javaenablekeepalive = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(enablekeepalive)

    def set_keep_alive_interval(self, interval):
        Sets the KeepAliveInterval, which will be in effect if the EnabledKeepAlive is set 'True' or is specified 'True'
        from the client configuration.

        :param interval: The keep alive interval in form of TimeSpan.
        :type interval: TimeSpan
        ValidateType.type_check(interval, TimeSpan, self.set_keep_alive_interval)

        javainterval = interval.get_instance()

    def set_log_level(self, loglevel):
        Sets the LogLevel either as INFO, ERROR or DEBUG.

        :param loglevel: The log level to be associated with connection options.
        :type loglevel: LogLevel
        ValidateType.type_check(loglevel, LogLevel, self.set_log_level)

        javaloglevel = EnumUtil.get_log_level(loglevel.value)

    def set_retry_connection_delay(self, connectiondelay):
        The time after which client will try to reconnect to the server.

        :param connectiondelay: The retry connection delay in form of TimeSpan.
        :type connectiondelay: TimeSpan
        ValidateType.type_check(connectiondelay, TimeSpan, self.set_retry_connection_delay)

        javaconnectiondelay = connectiondelay.get_instance()

    def set_retry_interval(self, retryinterval):
        Time in seconds to wait between two connection retries.

        :param retryinterval: The retry interval in form of TimeSpan.
        :type retryinterval: TimeSpan
        ValidateType.type_check(retryinterval, TimeSpan, self.set_retry_interval)

        javaretryinterval = retryinterval.get_instance()

    def set_user_credentials(self, credentials):
        Sets Credentials for the authentication of connection with the cache. This information is required when the
        security is enabled.

        :param credentials: The credentials for the authentication of cache connection.
        :type credentials: Credentials
        ValidateType.type_check(credentials, Credentials, self.set_user_credentials)

        javacredentials = credentials.get_instance()


class CacheConnectionOptions

Instance of this class can be used to define the parameters at the time of client connection with the cache.

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class CacheConnectionOptions:
    Instance of this class can be used to define the parameters at the time of client connection with the cache.
    def __init__(self):
        self.__cacheconnectionoptions = JavaInstancesFactory.get_java_instance("CacheConnectionOptions")()

    def get_instance(self):
        return self.__cacheconnectionoptions

    def set_instance(self, value):
        self.__cacheconnectionoptions = value

    def get_server_list(self):
        Gets the list of ServerInfo in the cache.

        :return: The list of Server info's.
        :rtype: list
        result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getServerList()

        if result is not None:
            result = TypeCaster.to_python_list(result, isjavatype=False, classinstance=ServerInfo())

        return result

    def set_server_list(self, serverlist):
        Gets the list of ServerInfo in the cache.

        :param serverlist: The list of Server info's.
        :type serverlist: list
        ValidateType.type_check(serverlist, list, self.set_server_list)
        for server in serverlist:
            ValidateType.type_check(server, ServerInfo, self.set_server_list)

        javaserverlist = TypeCaster.to_java_array_list(serverlist, isjavatype=False)

    def get_isolation_mode(self):
        Gets the Isolation level of the cache.

        :return: The isolation level of the cache.
        :rtype: IsolationLevel

        result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getIsolationMode()

        if result is not None:
            result = EnumUtil.get_isolation_level_value(result)

        return result

    def set_isolation_level(self, isolationlevel):
        Sets the isolation level of the cache.

        :param isolationlevel: The isolation level of the cache.
        :type isolationlevel: IsolationLevel
        ValidateType.type_check(isolationlevel, IsolationLevel, self.set_isolation_level)

        javaisolationlevel = EnumUtil.get_isolation_level(isolationlevel.value)

    def get_default_read_thru_provider(self):
        Gets the name of the default ReadThruProvider.

        :return: The name of the default ReadThruProvider.
        :rtype: str
        result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getDefaultReadThruProvider()

        if result is not None:
            result = TypeCaster.to_python_primitive_type(result)

        return result

    def set_default_read_thru_provider(self, providername):
        Sets the name of the default ReadThruProvider.

        :param providername: The name of the default ReadThruProvider.
        :type providername: str
        ValidateType.is_string(providername, self.set_default_read_thru_provider)
        javaprovidername = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(providername)


    def get_default_write_thru_provider(self):
        Gets the name of the default WriteThruProvider.

        :return: The name of the default WriteThruProvider.
        :rtype: str
        result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getDefaultWriteThruProvider()

        if result is not None:
            result = TypeCaster.to_python_primitive_type(result)

        return result

    def set_default_write_thru_provider(self, providername):
        Sets the name of the default WriteThruProvider.

        :param providername: The name of the default WriteThruProvider.
        :type providername: str
        ValidateType.is_string(providername, self.set_default_write_thru_provider)
        javaprovidername = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(providername)


    def get_client_bind_ip(self):
        Gets the IP for the client to be bind with.

        :return: The IP for the client to be bind with.
        :rtype: str
        result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getClientBindIP()

        if result is not None:
            result = TypeCaster.to_python_primitive_type(result)

        return result

    def set_client_bind_ip(self, ip):
        Sets the IP for the client to be bind with.

        :param ip: The IP for the client to be bind with.
        :type ip: str
        ValidateType.is_string(ip, self.set_client_bind_ip)
        javaip = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(ip)


    def get_app_name(self):
        Gets the application name.If different client applications are connected to server and because of any issue
        which results in connection failure with server, after the client again establishes connection AppName is used
        to identify these different client applications.

        :return: The application name.
        :rtype: str
        result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getAppName()

        if result is not None:
            result = TypeCaster.to_python_primitive_type(result)

        return result

    def set_app_name(self, appname):
        Sets the application name.If different client applications are connected to server and because of any issue
        which results in connection failure with server, after the client again establishes connection AppName is used
        to identify these different client applications.

        :param appname: The application name.
        :type appname: str
        ValidateType.is_string(appname, self.set_app_name)
        javaappname = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(appname)


    def get_load_balance(self):
        When this flag is set, client tries to connect to the optimum server in terms of number of connected clients.

        :return: True if loadBalancing is enabled, otherwise False.
        result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getLoadBalance()

        if result is not None:
            result = TypeCaster.to_python_primitive_type(result)

        return result

    def set_load_balance(self, value):
        When this flag is set, client tries to connect to the optimum server in terms of number of connected clients.

        :param value: The boolean value indicating whether to set LoadBalancing True or False.
        :type value: bool
        ValidateType.is_string(value, self.set_load_balance)
        javavalue = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(value)


    def get_client_cache_mode(self):
        Gets ClientCacheSyncMode to specify how the Client cache is synchronized with the cluster caches through events.

        :return: The client cache sync mode associated with connection options.
        :rtype: ClientCacheSyncMode
        result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getClientCacheMode()

        if result is not None:
            result = EnumUtil.get_client_cache_sync_mode_value(result)

        return result

    def get_client_request_timeout(self):
        Clients operation timeout specified in seconds. Clients wait for the response from the server for this time. If
        the response is not received within this time, the operation is not successful.

        :return: The request timeout associated with connection options.
        :rtype: TimeSpan
        result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getClientRequestTimeOut()

        if result is not None:
            timespan = TimeSpan(123)

            return timespan

    def get_command_retries(self):
        If client application sends request to server for any operation and a response is not received, then the number
        of retries it will make until it gets response is defined here.

        :return: An integer indicating the number of command retries.
        :rtype: int
        result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getCommandRetries()

        if result is not None:
            result = TypeCaster.to_python_primitive_type(result)

        return result

    def get_command_retry_interval(self):
        In case if client app doesn't get response against some operation call on server, the command retry interval
        defines the waiting period before the next attempt to send the operation the server is made. Type integer which
        defines seconds.

        :return: The command retry interval in form of TimeSpan.
        :rtype: TimeSpan
        result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getCommandRetryInterval()

        if result is not None:
            timespan = TimeSpan(123)

            return timespan

    def get_connection_retries(self):
        Number of tries to re-establish a broken connection between client and server.

        :return: An integer indicating the number of retries.
        :rtype: int
        result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getConnectionRetries()

        if result is not None:
            result = TypeCaster.to_python_primitive_type(result)

        return result

    def get_connection_timeout(self):
        Client's connection timeout specified in seconds.

        :return: The client connection timeout in form of a TimeSpan.
        :rtype: TimeSpan
        result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getConnectionTimeout()

        if result is not None:
            timespan = TimeSpan(123)

            return timespan

    def get_enable_client_logs(self):
        Gets the flag that specifies whether to create client logs or not.

        :return: True if client logs are enabled otherwise False.
        :rtype: bool
        result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getEnableClientLogs()

        if result is not None:
            result = TypeCaster.to_python_primitive_type(result)

        return result

    def get_enable_keep_alive(self):
        Gets the keep alive flag.

        :return: True if keep alive enabled otherwise false.
        :rtype: bool
        result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getEnableKeepAlive()

        if result is not None:
            result = TypeCaster.to_python_primitive_type(result)

        return result

    def get_keep_alive_interval(self):
        Gets the KeepAliveInterval, which will be in effect if the EnabledKeepAlive is set 'True' or is specified 'True'
        from the client configuration.

        :return: The keep alive interval in form of TimeSpan.
        :rtype: TimeSpan
        result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getKeepAliveInterval()

        if result is not None:
            timespan = TimeSpan(123)

            return timespan

    def get_log_level(self):
        Gets the LogLevel either as INFO, ERROR or DEBUG.

        :return: The log level associated with connection options.
        :rtype: LogLevel
        result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getLogLevel()

        if result is not None:
            result = EnumUtil.get_log_level_value(result)

        return result

    def get_retry_connection_delay(self):
        The time after which client will try to reconnect to the server.

        :return: The retry connection delay in form of TimeSpan.
        :rtype: TimeSpan
        result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getRetryConnectionDelay()

        if result is not None:
            timespan = TimeSpan(123)

            return timespan

    def get_retry_interval(self):
        Time in seconds to wait between two connection retries.

        :return: The retry interval in form of TimeSpan.
        :rtype: TimeSpan
        result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getRetryInterval()

        if result is not None:
            timespan = TimeSpan(123)

            return timespan

    def get_user_credentials(self):
        Gets Credentials for the authentication of connection with the cache. This information is required when the
        security is enabled.

        :return: The credentials for the authentication of cache connection.
        :rtype: Credentials
        result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getUserCredentials()

        if result is not None:
            credentials = Credentials()

            return credentials

    def set_client_cache_mode(self, clientcachemode):
        Sets ClientCacheSyncMode to specify how the Client cache is synchronized with the cluster caches through events.

        :param clientcachemode: The client cache sync mode to be associated with connection options.
        :type clientcachemode: ClientCacheSyncMode
        ValidateType.type_check(clientcachemode, ClientCacheSyncMode, self.set_client_cache_mode)

        javaclientcachemode = EnumUtil.get_client_cache_sync_mode(clientcachemode.value)

    def set_client_request_timeout(self, timeout):
        Clients operation timeout specified in seconds. Clients wait for the response from the server for this time. If
        the response is not received within this time, the operation is not successful.

        :param timeout: The request timeout to be associated with connection options.
        :type timeout: TimeSpan
        ValidateType.type_check(timeout, TimeSpan, self.set_client_request_timeout)

        javatimeout = timeout.get_instance()

    def set_command_retries(self, retries):
        Number of tries to re-establish a broken connection between client and server.

        :param retries: An int indicating the number of retries.
        :type retries: int
        ValidateType.is_int(retries, self.set_command_retries)

        javaretries = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(retries)

    def set_command_retry_interval(self, retryinterval):
        In case if client app doesn't get response against some operation call on server, the command retry interval
        defines the waiting period before the next attempt to send the operation the server is made. Type integer which
        defines seconds.

        :param retryinterval: The command retry interval in form of TimeSpan.
        :type retryinterval: TimeSpan
        ValidateType.type_check(retryinterval, TimeSpan, self.get_command_retry_interval)

        javatimeout = retryinterval.get_instance()

    def set_connection_retries(self, retries):
        Number of tries to re-establish a broken connection between client and server.

        :param retries: An int indicating the number of retries.
        :type retries: int
        ValidateType.is_int(retries, self.set_connection_retries)

        javaretries = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(retries)

    def set_connection_timeout(self, timeout):
        Client's connection timeout specified in seconds.

        :param timeout: The client connection timeout in form of a TimeSpan.
        :type timeout: TimeSpan
        ValidateType.type_check(timeout, TimeSpan, self.set_connection_timeout)

        javatimeout = timeout.get_instance()

    def set_enable_client_logs(self, enablelogs):
        Sets the flag that specifies whether to create client logs or not.

        :param enablelogs: The boolean value that specifies whether client logs are enabled or not.
        :type enablelogs: bool
        ValidateType.type_check(enablelogs, bool, self.set_enable_client_logs)

        javaenablelogs = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(enablelogs)

    def set_enable_keep_alive(self, enablekeepalive):
        Sets the keep alive flag.

        :param enablekeepalive: A boolean value that specifies whether to enable keep alive or not.
        :type enablekeepalive: bool
        ValidateType.type_check(enablekeepalive, bool, self.set_enable_keep_alive)

        javaenablekeepalive = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(enablekeepalive)

    def set_keep_alive_interval(self, interval):
        Sets the KeepAliveInterval, which will be in effect if the EnabledKeepAlive is set 'True' or is specified 'True'
        from the client configuration.

        :param interval: The keep alive interval in form of TimeSpan.
        :type interval: TimeSpan
        ValidateType.type_check(interval, TimeSpan, self.set_keep_alive_interval)

        javainterval = interval.get_instance()

    def set_log_level(self, loglevel):
        Sets the LogLevel either as INFO, ERROR or DEBUG.

        :param loglevel: The log level to be associated with connection options.
        :type loglevel: LogLevel
        ValidateType.type_check(loglevel, LogLevel, self.set_log_level)

        javaloglevel = EnumUtil.get_log_level(loglevel.value)

    def set_retry_connection_delay(self, connectiondelay):
        The time after which client will try to reconnect to the server.

        :param connectiondelay: The retry connection delay in form of TimeSpan.
        :type connectiondelay: TimeSpan
        ValidateType.type_check(connectiondelay, TimeSpan, self.set_retry_connection_delay)

        javaconnectiondelay = connectiondelay.get_instance()

    def set_retry_interval(self, retryinterval):
        Time in seconds to wait between two connection retries.

        :param retryinterval: The retry interval in form of TimeSpan.
        :type retryinterval: TimeSpan
        ValidateType.type_check(retryinterval, TimeSpan, self.set_retry_interval)

        javaretryinterval = retryinterval.get_instance()

    def set_user_credentials(self, credentials):
        Sets Credentials for the authentication of connection with the cache. This information is required when the
        security is enabled.

        :param credentials: The credentials for the authentication of cache connection.
        :type credentials: Credentials
        ValidateType.type_check(credentials, Credentials, self.set_user_credentials)

        javacredentials = credentials.get_instance()


def get_app_name(self)

Gets the application name.If different client applications are connected to server and because of any issue which results in connection failure with server, after the client again establishes connection AppName is used to identify these different client applications.

:return: The application name. :rtype: str

Expand source code
def get_app_name(self):
    Gets the application name.If different client applications are connected to server and because of any issue
    which results in connection failure with server, after the client again establishes connection AppName is used
    to identify these different client applications.

    :return: The application name.
    :rtype: str
    result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getAppName()

    if result is not None:
        result = TypeCaster.to_python_primitive_type(result)

    return result
def get_client_bind_ip(self)

Gets the IP for the client to be bind with.

:return: The IP for the client to be bind with. :rtype: str

Expand source code
def get_client_bind_ip(self):
    Gets the IP for the client to be bind with.

    :return: The IP for the client to be bind with.
    :rtype: str
    result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getClientBindIP()

    if result is not None:
        result = TypeCaster.to_python_primitive_type(result)

    return result
def get_client_cache_mode(self)

Gets ClientCacheSyncMode to specify how the Client cache is synchronized with the cluster caches through events.

:return: The client cache sync mode associated with connection options. :rtype: ClientCacheSyncMode

Expand source code
def get_client_cache_mode(self):
    Gets ClientCacheSyncMode to specify how the Client cache is synchronized with the cluster caches through events.

    :return: The client cache sync mode associated with connection options.
    :rtype: ClientCacheSyncMode
    result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getClientCacheMode()

    if result is not None:
        result = EnumUtil.get_client_cache_sync_mode_value(result)

    return result
def get_client_request_timeout(self)

Clients operation timeout specified in seconds. Clients wait for the response from the server for this time. If the response is not received within this time, the operation is not successful.

:return: The request timeout associated with connection options. :rtype: TimeSpan

Expand source code
def get_client_request_timeout(self):
    Clients operation timeout specified in seconds. Clients wait for the response from the server for this time. If
    the response is not received within this time, the operation is not successful.

    :return: The request timeout associated with connection options.
    :rtype: TimeSpan
    result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getClientRequestTimeOut()

    if result is not None:
        timespan = TimeSpan(123)

        return timespan
def get_command_retries(self)

If client application sends request to server for any operation and a response is not received, then the number of retries it will make until it gets response is defined here.

:return: An integer indicating the number of command retries. :rtype: int

Expand source code
def get_command_retries(self):
    If client application sends request to server for any operation and a response is not received, then the number
    of retries it will make until it gets response is defined here.

    :return: An integer indicating the number of command retries.
    :rtype: int
    result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getCommandRetries()

    if result is not None:
        result = TypeCaster.to_python_primitive_type(result)

    return result
def get_command_retry_interval(self)

In case if client app doesn't get response against some operation call on server, the command retry interval defines the waiting period before the next attempt to send the operation the server is made. Type integer which defines seconds.

:return: The command retry interval in form of TimeSpan. :rtype: TimeSpan

Expand source code
def get_command_retry_interval(self):
    In case if client app doesn't get response against some operation call on server, the command retry interval
    defines the waiting period before the next attempt to send the operation the server is made. Type integer which
    defines seconds.

    :return: The command retry interval in form of TimeSpan.
    :rtype: TimeSpan
    result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getCommandRetryInterval()

    if result is not None:
        timespan = TimeSpan(123)

        return timespan
def get_connection_retries(self)

Number of tries to re-establish a broken connection between client and server.

:return: An integer indicating the number of retries. :rtype: int

Expand source code
def get_connection_retries(self):
    Number of tries to re-establish a broken connection between client and server.

    :return: An integer indicating the number of retries.
    :rtype: int
    result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getConnectionRetries()

    if result is not None:
        result = TypeCaster.to_python_primitive_type(result)

    return result
def get_connection_timeout(self)

Client's connection timeout specified in seconds.

:return: The client connection timeout in form of a TimeSpan. :rtype: TimeSpan

Expand source code
def get_connection_timeout(self):
    Client's connection timeout specified in seconds.

    :return: The client connection timeout in form of a TimeSpan.
    :rtype: TimeSpan
    result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getConnectionTimeout()

    if result is not None:
        timespan = TimeSpan(123)

        return timespan
def get_default_read_thru_provider(self)

Gets the name of the default ReadThruProvider.

:return: The name of the default ReadThruProvider. :rtype: str

Expand source code
def get_default_read_thru_provider(self):
    Gets the name of the default ReadThruProvider.

    :return: The name of the default ReadThruProvider.
    :rtype: str
    result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getDefaultReadThruProvider()

    if result is not None:
        result = TypeCaster.to_python_primitive_type(result)

    return result
def get_default_write_thru_provider(self)

Gets the name of the default WriteThruProvider.

:return: The name of the default WriteThruProvider. :rtype: str

Expand source code
def get_default_write_thru_provider(self):
    Gets the name of the default WriteThruProvider.

    :return: The name of the default WriteThruProvider.
    :rtype: str
    result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getDefaultWriteThruProvider()

    if result is not None:
        result = TypeCaster.to_python_primitive_type(result)

    return result
def get_enable_client_logs(self)

Gets the flag that specifies whether to create client logs or not.

:return: True if client logs are enabled otherwise False. :rtype: bool

Expand source code
def get_enable_client_logs(self):
    Gets the flag that specifies whether to create client logs or not.

    :return: True if client logs are enabled otherwise False.
    :rtype: bool
    result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getEnableClientLogs()

    if result is not None:
        result = TypeCaster.to_python_primitive_type(result)

    return result
def get_enable_keep_alive(self)

Gets the keep alive flag.

:return: True if keep alive enabled otherwise false. :rtype: bool

Expand source code
def get_enable_keep_alive(self):
    Gets the keep alive flag.

    :return: True if keep alive enabled otherwise false.
    :rtype: bool
    result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getEnableKeepAlive()

    if result is not None:
        result = TypeCaster.to_python_primitive_type(result)

    return result
def get_instance(self)
Expand source code
def get_instance(self):
    return self.__cacheconnectionoptions
def get_isolation_mode(self)

Gets the Isolation level of the cache.

:return: The isolation level of the cache. :rtype: IsolationLevel

Expand source code
def get_isolation_mode(self):
    Gets the Isolation level of the cache.

    :return: The isolation level of the cache.
    :rtype: IsolationLevel

    result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getIsolationMode()

    if result is not None:
        result = EnumUtil.get_isolation_level_value(result)

    return result
def get_keep_alive_interval(self)

Gets the KeepAliveInterval, which will be in effect if the EnabledKeepAlive is set 'True' or is specified 'True' from the client configuration.

:return: The keep alive interval in form of TimeSpan. :rtype: TimeSpan

Expand source code
def get_keep_alive_interval(self):
    Gets the KeepAliveInterval, which will be in effect if the EnabledKeepAlive is set 'True' or is specified 'True'
    from the client configuration.

    :return: The keep alive interval in form of TimeSpan.
    :rtype: TimeSpan
    result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getKeepAliveInterval()

    if result is not None:
        timespan = TimeSpan(123)

        return timespan
def get_load_balance(self)

When this flag is set, client tries to connect to the optimum server in terms of number of connected clients.

:return: True if loadBalancing is enabled, otherwise False.

Expand source code
def get_load_balance(self):
    When this flag is set, client tries to connect to the optimum server in terms of number of connected clients.

    :return: True if loadBalancing is enabled, otherwise False.
    result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getLoadBalance()

    if result is not None:
        result = TypeCaster.to_python_primitive_type(result)

    return result
def get_log_level(self)

Gets the LogLevel either as INFO, ERROR or DEBUG.

:return: The log level associated with connection options. :rtype: LogLevel

Expand source code
def get_log_level(self):
    Gets the LogLevel either as INFO, ERROR or DEBUG.

    :return: The log level associated with connection options.
    :rtype: LogLevel
    result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getLogLevel()

    if result is not None:
        result = EnumUtil.get_log_level_value(result)

    return result
def get_retry_connection_delay(self)

The time after which client will try to reconnect to the server.

:return: The retry connection delay in form of TimeSpan. :rtype: TimeSpan

Expand source code
def get_retry_connection_delay(self):
    The time after which client will try to reconnect to the server.

    :return: The retry connection delay in form of TimeSpan.
    :rtype: TimeSpan
    result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getRetryConnectionDelay()

    if result is not None:
        timespan = TimeSpan(123)

        return timespan
def get_retry_interval(self)

Time in seconds to wait between two connection retries.

:return: The retry interval in form of TimeSpan. :rtype: TimeSpan

Expand source code
def get_retry_interval(self):
    Time in seconds to wait between two connection retries.

    :return: The retry interval in form of TimeSpan.
    :rtype: TimeSpan
    result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getRetryInterval()

    if result is not None:
        timespan = TimeSpan(123)

        return timespan
def get_server_list(self)

Gets the list of ServerInfo in the cache.

:return: The list of Server info's. :rtype: list

Expand source code
def get_server_list(self):
    Gets the list of ServerInfo in the cache.

    :return: The list of Server info's.
    :rtype: list
    result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getServerList()

    if result is not None:
        result = TypeCaster.to_python_list(result, isjavatype=False, classinstance=ServerInfo())

    return result
def get_user_credentials(self)

Gets Credentials for the authentication of connection with the cache. This information is required when the security is enabled.

:return: The credentials for the authentication of cache connection. :rtype: Credentials

Expand source code
def get_user_credentials(self):
    Gets Credentials for the authentication of connection with the cache. This information is required when the
    security is enabled.

    :return: The credentials for the authentication of cache connection.
    :rtype: Credentials
    result = self.__cacheconnectionoptions.getUserCredentials()

    if result is not None:
        credentials = Credentials()

        return credentials
def set_app_name(self, appname)

Sets the application name.If different client applications are connected to server and because of any issue which results in connection failure with server, after the client again establishes connection AppName is used to identify these different client applications.

:param appname: The application name. :type appname: str

Expand source code
def set_app_name(self, appname):
    Sets the application name.If different client applications are connected to server and because of any issue
    which results in connection failure with server, after the client again establishes connection AppName is used
    to identify these different client applications.

    :param appname: The application name.
    :type appname: str
    ValidateType.is_string(appname, self.set_app_name)
    javaappname = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(appname)

def set_client_bind_ip(self, ip)

Sets the IP for the client to be bind with.

:param ip: The IP for the client to be bind with. :type ip: str

Expand source code
def set_client_bind_ip(self, ip):
    Sets the IP for the client to be bind with.

    :param ip: The IP for the client to be bind with.
    :type ip: str
    ValidateType.is_string(ip, self.set_client_bind_ip)
    javaip = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(ip)

def set_client_cache_mode(self, clientcachemode)

Sets ClientCacheSyncMode to specify how the Client cache is synchronized with the cluster caches through events.

:param clientcachemode: The client cache sync mode to be associated with connection options. :type clientcachemode: ClientCacheSyncMode

Expand source code
def set_client_cache_mode(self, clientcachemode):
    Sets ClientCacheSyncMode to specify how the Client cache is synchronized with the cluster caches through events.

    :param clientcachemode: The client cache sync mode to be associated with connection options.
    :type clientcachemode: ClientCacheSyncMode
    ValidateType.type_check(clientcachemode, ClientCacheSyncMode, self.set_client_cache_mode)

    javaclientcachemode = EnumUtil.get_client_cache_sync_mode(clientcachemode.value)
def set_client_request_timeout(self, timeout)

Clients operation timeout specified in seconds. Clients wait for the response from the server for this time. If the response is not received within this time, the operation is not successful.

:param timeout: The request timeout to be associated with connection options. :type timeout: TimeSpan

Expand source code
def set_client_request_timeout(self, timeout):
    Clients operation timeout specified in seconds. Clients wait for the response from the server for this time. If
    the response is not received within this time, the operation is not successful.

    :param timeout: The request timeout to be associated with connection options.
    :type timeout: TimeSpan
    ValidateType.type_check(timeout, TimeSpan, self.set_client_request_timeout)

    javatimeout = timeout.get_instance()
def set_command_retries(self, retries)

Number of tries to re-establish a broken connection between client and server.

:param retries: An int indicating the number of retries. :type retries: int

Expand source code
def set_command_retries(self, retries):
    Number of tries to re-establish a broken connection between client and server.

    :param retries: An int indicating the number of retries.
    :type retries: int
    ValidateType.is_int(retries, self.set_command_retries)

    javaretries = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(retries)
def set_command_retry_interval(self, retryinterval)

In case if client app doesn't get response against some operation call on server, the command retry interval defines the waiting period before the next attempt to send the operation the server is made. Type integer which defines seconds.

:param retryinterval: The command retry interval in form of TimeSpan. :type retryinterval: TimeSpan

Expand source code
def set_command_retry_interval(self, retryinterval):
    In case if client app doesn't get response against some operation call on server, the command retry interval
    defines the waiting period before the next attempt to send the operation the server is made. Type integer which
    defines seconds.

    :param retryinterval: The command retry interval in form of TimeSpan.
    :type retryinterval: TimeSpan
    ValidateType.type_check(retryinterval, TimeSpan, self.get_command_retry_interval)

    javatimeout = retryinterval.get_instance()
def set_connection_retries(self, retries)

Number of tries to re-establish a broken connection between client and server.

:param retries: An int indicating the number of retries. :type retries: int

Expand source code
def set_connection_retries(self, retries):
    Number of tries to re-establish a broken connection between client and server.

    :param retries: An int indicating the number of retries.
    :type retries: int
    ValidateType.is_int(retries, self.set_connection_retries)

    javaretries = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(retries)
def set_connection_timeout(self, timeout)

Client's connection timeout specified in seconds.

:param timeout: The client connection timeout in form of a TimeSpan. :type timeout: TimeSpan

Expand source code
def set_connection_timeout(self, timeout):
    Client's connection timeout specified in seconds.

    :param timeout: The client connection timeout in form of a TimeSpan.
    :type timeout: TimeSpan
    ValidateType.type_check(timeout, TimeSpan, self.set_connection_timeout)

    javatimeout = timeout.get_instance()
def set_default_read_thru_provider(self, providername)

Sets the name of the default ReadThruProvider.

:param providername: The name of the default ReadThruProvider. :type providername: str

Expand source code
def set_default_read_thru_provider(self, providername):
    Sets the name of the default ReadThruProvider.

    :param providername: The name of the default ReadThruProvider.
    :type providername: str
    ValidateType.is_string(providername, self.set_default_read_thru_provider)
    javaprovidername = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(providername)

def set_default_write_thru_provider(self, providername)

Sets the name of the default WriteThruProvider.

:param providername: The name of the default WriteThruProvider. :type providername: str

Expand source code
def set_default_write_thru_provider(self, providername):
    Sets the name of the default WriteThruProvider.

    :param providername: The name of the default WriteThruProvider.
    :type providername: str
    ValidateType.is_string(providername, self.set_default_write_thru_provider)
    javaprovidername = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(providername)

def set_enable_client_logs(self, enablelogs)

Sets the flag that specifies whether to create client logs or not.

:param enablelogs: The boolean value that specifies whether client logs are enabled or not. :type enablelogs: bool

Expand source code
def set_enable_client_logs(self, enablelogs):
    Sets the flag that specifies whether to create client logs or not.

    :param enablelogs: The boolean value that specifies whether client logs are enabled or not.
    :type enablelogs: bool
    ValidateType.type_check(enablelogs, bool, self.set_enable_client_logs)

    javaenablelogs = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(enablelogs)
def set_enable_keep_alive(self, enablekeepalive)

Sets the keep alive flag.

:param enablekeepalive: A boolean value that specifies whether to enable keep alive or not. :type enablekeepalive: bool

Expand source code
def set_enable_keep_alive(self, enablekeepalive):
    Sets the keep alive flag.

    :param enablekeepalive: A boolean value that specifies whether to enable keep alive or not.
    :type enablekeepalive: bool
    ValidateType.type_check(enablekeepalive, bool, self.set_enable_keep_alive)

    javaenablekeepalive = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(enablekeepalive)
def set_instance(self, value)
Expand source code
def set_instance(self, value):
    self.__cacheconnectionoptions = value
def set_isolation_level(self, isolationlevel)

Sets the isolation level of the cache.

:param isolationlevel: The isolation level of the cache. :type isolationlevel: IsolationLevel

Expand source code
def set_isolation_level(self, isolationlevel):
    Sets the isolation level of the cache.

    :param isolationlevel: The isolation level of the cache.
    :type isolationlevel: IsolationLevel
    ValidateType.type_check(isolationlevel, IsolationLevel, self.set_isolation_level)

    javaisolationlevel = EnumUtil.get_isolation_level(isolationlevel.value)
def set_keep_alive_interval(self, interval)

Sets the KeepAliveInterval, which will be in effect if the EnabledKeepAlive is set 'True' or is specified 'True' from the client configuration.

:param interval: The keep alive interval in form of TimeSpan. :type interval: TimeSpan

Expand source code
def set_keep_alive_interval(self, interval):
    Sets the KeepAliveInterval, which will be in effect if the EnabledKeepAlive is set 'True' or is specified 'True'
    from the client configuration.

    :param interval: The keep alive interval in form of TimeSpan.
    :type interval: TimeSpan
    ValidateType.type_check(interval, TimeSpan, self.set_keep_alive_interval)

    javainterval = interval.get_instance()
def set_load_balance(self, value)

When this flag is set, client tries to connect to the optimum server in terms of number of connected clients.

:param value: The boolean value indicating whether to set LoadBalancing True or False. :type value: bool

Expand source code
def set_load_balance(self, value):
    When this flag is set, client tries to connect to the optimum server in terms of number of connected clients.

    :param value: The boolean value indicating whether to set LoadBalancing True or False.
    :type value: bool
    ValidateType.is_string(value, self.set_load_balance)
    javavalue = TypeCaster.to_java_primitive_type(value)

def set_log_level(self, loglevel)

Sets the LogLevel either as INFO, ERROR or DEBUG.

:param loglevel: The log level to be associated with connection options. :type loglevel: LogLevel

Expand source code
def set_log_level(self, loglevel):
    Sets the LogLevel either as INFO, ERROR or DEBUG.

    :param loglevel: The log level to be associated with connection options.
    :type loglevel: LogLevel
    ValidateType.type_check(loglevel, LogLevel, self.set_log_level)

    javaloglevel = EnumUtil.get_log_level(loglevel.value)
def set_retry_connection_delay(self, connectiondelay)

The time after which client will try to reconnect to the server.

:param connectiondelay: The retry connection delay in form of TimeSpan. :type connectiondelay: TimeSpan

Expand source code
def set_retry_connection_delay(self, connectiondelay):
    The time after which client will try to reconnect to the server.

    :param connectiondelay: The retry connection delay in form of TimeSpan.
    :type connectiondelay: TimeSpan
    ValidateType.type_check(connectiondelay, TimeSpan, self.set_retry_connection_delay)

    javaconnectiondelay = connectiondelay.get_instance()
def set_retry_interval(self, retryinterval)

Time in seconds to wait between two connection retries.

:param retryinterval: The retry interval in form of TimeSpan. :type retryinterval: TimeSpan

Expand source code
def set_retry_interval(self, retryinterval):
    Time in seconds to wait between two connection retries.

    :param retryinterval: The retry interval in form of TimeSpan.
    :type retryinterval: TimeSpan
    ValidateType.type_check(retryinterval, TimeSpan, self.set_retry_interval)

    javaretryinterval = retryinterval.get_instance()
def set_server_list(self, serverlist)

Gets the list of ServerInfo in the cache.

:param serverlist: The list of Server info's. :type serverlist: list

Expand source code
def set_server_list(self, serverlist):
    Gets the list of ServerInfo in the cache.

    :param serverlist: The list of Server info's.
    :type serverlist: list
    ValidateType.type_check(serverlist, list, self.set_server_list)
    for server in serverlist:
        ValidateType.type_check(server, ServerInfo, self.set_server_list)

    javaserverlist = TypeCaster.to_java_array_list(serverlist, isjavatype=False)
def set_user_credentials(self, credentials)

Sets Credentials for the authentication of connection with the cache. This information is required when the security is enabled.

:param credentials: The credentials for the authentication of cache connection. :type credentials: Credentials

Expand source code
def set_user_credentials(self, credentials):
    Sets Credentials for the authentication of connection with the cache. This information is required when the
    security is enabled.

    :param credentials: The credentials for the authentication of cache connection.
    :type credentials: Credentials
    ValidateType.type_check(credentials, Credentials, self.set_user_credentials)

    javacredentials = credentials.get_instance()