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Failure - com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.caching.WriteBehindOpStatus
If user code returned false
Failure - com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.datasourceprovider.OperationResult.Status
Status is Failure in case of unsuccessful operation.
FailureDontRemove - com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.datasourceprovider.OperationResult.Status
Status is FailureDontRemove in case of unsuccessful operation and if the user doesn't want to remove that item from the cache.
FailureRetry - com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.datasourceprovider.OperationResult.Status
In case of Failure this flag is used for retry functionality.
FileDependency - Class in com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.dependencies
FileDependency class is used to provide file based dependency to the user.
FileDependency(Iterable<String>) - Constructor for class com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.dependencies.FileDependency
Initializes a new instance of the FileExpiration class that monitors a list of file paths (to files or directories) for changes.
FileDependency(Iterable<String>, Date) - Constructor for class com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.dependencies.FileDependency
Initializes a new instance of the FileExpiration class that monitors an list of file paths (to files or directories) for changes and specifies a time when change monitoring begins.
FileDependency(String) - Constructor for class com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.dependencies.FileDependency
Initializes a new instance of the FileExpiration class that monitors a file or directory for changes.
FileDependency(String, Date) - Constructor for class com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.dependencies.FileDependency
Initializes a new instance of the FileExpiration class that monitors a file or directory for changes and indicates when change tracking is to begin.
first() - Method in interface com.alachisoft.ncache.client.datastructures.DistributedList
Returns the first element of the list.
Float - com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.dependencies.CmdParamsType
A floating point number within the range of -1.79E +308 through 1.79E +308.
flush() - Method in interface com.alachisoft.ncache.client.CacheStream
When overridden in a derived class, clears all buffers for this stream and causes any buffered data to be written to the underlying device.
forValue(int) - Static method in enum com.alachisoft.ncache.client.ClientCacheSyncMode
retreives the enum constant of the specified value, if exists.
forValue(int) - Static method in enum com.alachisoft.ncache.client.ConnectivityStatus
forValue(int) - Static method in enum com.alachisoft.ncache.client.IsolationLevel
retreives the enum constant of the specified value, if exists.
forValue(int) - Static method in enum com.alachisoft.ncache.client.LogLevel
retreives the enum constant of the specified value, if exists.
forValue(int) - Static method in enum com.alachisoft.ncache.client.StreamMode
retreives the enum constant of the specified value, if exists.
forValue(int) - Static method in enum com.alachisoft.ncache.client.TagSearchOptions
rete the enum constant of the specified value, if exists.
forValue(int) - Static method in enum com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.CacheItemPriority
retreives the enum constant of the specified value, if exists.
forValue(int) - Static method in enum com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.cacheloader.RefreshPreference
retreives the enum constant of the specified value, if exists.
forValue(int) - Static method in enum com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.cachemanagement.CacheStatus
retreives the enum constant of the specified value, if exists.
forValue(int) - Static method in enum com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.cachemanagement.CacheTopology
retreives the enum constant of the specified value, if exists.
forValue(int) - Static method in enum com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.cachemanagement.ConnectivityStatus
forValue(int) - Static method in enum com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.caching.ConnectivityStatus
retreives the enum constant of the specified value, if exists.
forValue(int) - Static method in enum com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.caching.DeliveryOption
retreives the enum constant of the specified value, if exists.
forValue(int) - Static method in enum com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.caching.DistributedDataStructure
retreives the enum constant of the specified value, if exists.
forValue(int) - Static method in enum com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.caching.expiration.ExpirationType
retreives the enum constant of the specified value, if exists.
forValue(int) - Static method in enum com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.caching.MessageFailureReason
forValue(int) - Static method in enum com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.caching.messaging.TopicPriority
retreives the enum constant of the specified value, if exists.
forValue(int) - Static method in enum com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.caching.messaging.TopicSearchOptions
retreives the enum constant of the specified value, if exists.
forValue(int) - Static method in enum com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.caching.ReadMode
retreives the enum constant of the specified value, if exists.
forValue(int) - Static method in enum com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.caching.SubscriptionPolicy
retreives the enum constant of the specified value, if exists.
forValue(int) - Static method in enum com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.caching.WriteBehindOpStatus
retreives the enum constant of the specified value, if exists.
forValue(int) - Static method in enum com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.caching.WriteMode
retreives the enum constant of the specified value, if exists.
forValue(int) - Static method in enum com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.datasourceprovider.DataStructureOperationType
retreives the enum constant of the specified value, if exists.
forValue(int) - Static method in enum com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.datasourceprovider.DistributedDataStructureType
retreives the enum constant of the specified value, if exists.
forValue(int) - Static method in enum com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.datasourceprovider.OperationResult.Status
retreives the enum constant of the specified value, if exists.
forValue(int) - Static method in enum com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.datasourceprovider.WriteOperationType
retreives the enum constant of the specified value, if exists.
forValue(int) - Static method in enum com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.dependencies.CmdParamsType
retreives the enum constant of the specified value, if exists.
forValue(int) - Static method in enum com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.dependencies.CommandType
retreives the enum constant of the specified value, if exists.
forValue(int) - Static method in enum com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.dependencies.KeyDependencyType
retreives the enum constant of the specified value, if exists.
forValue(int) - Static method in enum com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.dependencies.OracleCommandType
retreives the enum constant of the specified value, if exists.
forValue(int) - Static method in enum com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.dependencies.SqlParamDirection
retreives the enum constant of the specified value, if exists.
forValue(int) - Static method in enum com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.events.DataTypeEventDataFilter
retreives the enum constant of the specified value, if exists.
forValue(int) - Static method in enum com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.events.EventDataFilter
retreives the enum constant of the specified value, if exists.
forValue(int) - Static method in enum com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.events.ListenerType
retreives the enum constant of the specified value, if exists.
forValue(int) - Static method in enum com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.JSON.JsonDataType
retreives the enum constant of the specified value, if exists.
forValue(int) - Static method in enum com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.JSON.JsonValueType
retreives the enum constant of the specified value, if exists.
FromDays(double) - Static method in class com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.util.TimeSpan
Returns a TimeSpan that represents a specified number of days, where the specification is accurate to the nearest millisecond.
FromHours(double) - Static method in class com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.util.TimeSpan
Returns a TimeSpan that represents a specified number of hours, where the specification is accurate to the nearest millisecond.
FromMilliseconds(double) - Static method in class com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.util.TimeSpan
Returns a TimeSpan that represents a specified number of milliseconds.
FromMinutes(double) - Static method in class com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.util.TimeSpan
Returns a TimeSpan that represents a specified number of minutes, where the specification is accurate to the nearest millisecond.
FromSeconds(double) - Static method in class com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.util.TimeSpan
Returns a TimeSpan that represents a specified number of seconds, where the specification is accurate to the nearest millisecond.
FromTicks(long) - Static method in class com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.util.TimeSpan
Returns a TimeSpan that represents a specified time, where the specification is in units of ticks.
FullyConnected - com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.cachemanagement.ConnectivityStatus
If Cache is fully connected then connectivity status is FullyConnected.
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