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AboveNormal - com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.CacheItemPriority
Cache items with this priority level are less likely to be deleted as the server frees system memory than those assigned a Normal priority.
Absolute - com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.caching.expiration.ExpirationType
Indicates that item expiration in cache is to follow fixed expiration.
add(CacheDependency...) - Method in class com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.dependencies.AggregateCacheDependency
Adds an array of CacheDependency objects to the AggregateCacheDependency object.
add(JsonValue) - Method in class com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.JSON.JsonArray
Adds JSONValue item to array.
add(JsonValueBase) - Method in class com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.JSON.JsonArray
Adds JSONValueBase item to array.
add(String, boolean) - Method in class com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.caching.NamedTagsDictionary
Adds boolean value against a key in named tags dictionary.
add(String, char) - Method in class com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.caching.NamedTagsDictionary
Adds character value against a key in named tags dictionary.
add(String, double) - Method in class com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.caching.NamedTagsDictionary
Adds double value against a key in named tags dictionary.
add(String, float) - Method in class com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.caching.NamedTagsDictionary
Adds float value against a key in named tags dictionary.
add(String, int) - Method in class com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.caching.NamedTagsDictionary
Adds integer value against a key in named tags dictionary.
add(String, long) - Method in class com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.caching.NamedTagsDictionary
Adds long value against a key in named tags dictionary.
add(String, CacheItem) - Method in interface com.alachisoft.ncache.client.Cache
Adds a CacheItem to the cache.
add(String, CacheItem, WriteThruOptions) - Method in interface com.alachisoft.ncache.client.Cache
Adds a CacheItem to the cache.
add(String, Object) - Method in interface com.alachisoft.ncache.client.Cache
Adds an item into the Cache object with a cache key to reference its location.
add(String, String) - Method in class com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.caching.NamedTagsDictionary
Adds String value against a key in named tags dictionary.
add(String, BigDecimal) - Method in class com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.caching.NamedTagsDictionary
Adds BigDecimal value against a key in named tags dictionary.
add(String, Date) - Method in class com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.caching.NamedTagsDictionary
Adds Date value against a key in named tags dictionary.
Add - com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.datasourceprovider.WriteOperationType
To log the Add Items operations in write behind.
Add(TimeSpan) - Method in class com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.util.TimeSpan
Returns a new TimeSpan object whose value is the sum of the specified TimeSpan object and this instance.
addAsync(String, CacheItem) - Method in interface com.alachisoft.ncache.client.Cache
Adds a CacheItem to the cache asynchronously with a cache key to reference its location.
addAsync(String, CacheItem, WriteThruOptions) - Method in interface com.alachisoft.ncache.client.Cache
Adds a CacheItem to the cache asynchronously with a cache key to reference its location and WriteThruOptions.
addAsync(String, Object) - Method in interface com.alachisoft.ncache.client.Cache
Adds an object into the cache asynchronously with a cache key to reference its location.
addAttribute(String, JsonValue) - Method in class com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.JSON.JsonObject
Adds an attribute in the object.
addAttribute(String, JsonValueBase) - Method in class com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.JSON.JsonObject
Adds an attribute in the object.
addBulk(Map<String, CacheItem>) - Method in interface com.alachisoft.ncache.client.Cache
Adds a Map of cache keys with CacheItem to the cache.
addBulk(Map<String, CacheItem>, WriteThruOptions) - Method in interface com.alachisoft.ncache.client.Cache
Adds a Map of cache keys with CacheItem to the cache with the WriteThruOptions.
addCacheClearedListener(CacheClearedListener) - Method in interface com.alachisoft.ncache.client.services.NotificationService
Registers event for notifying applications when the cache is cleared.
addCacheConnectivityChangedListener(CacheClientConnectivityChangedListener) - Method in interface com.alachisoft.ncache.client.services.NotificationService
Registers event for notifying the application about the status of cache client connectivity.
addCacheDataNotificationListener(CacheDataModificationListener, EnumSet<EventType>, EventDataFilter) - Method in class com.alachisoft.ncache.client.CacheItem
You can use this to notify applications when their objects are updated or removed in the cache.
addCacheNotificationListener(CacheDataModificationListener, EnumSet<EventType>, EventDataFilter) - Method in interface com.alachisoft.ncache.client.services.MessagingService
Registers cache notification of specified event types against all keys in the cache.
addCacheNotificationListener(Iterable<String>, CacheDataModificationListener, EnumSet<EventType>, EventDataFilter) - Method in interface com.alachisoft.ncache.client.services.MessagingService
Registers cache notification against specified keys in cache.
addCacheNotificationListener(String, CacheDataModificationListener, EnumSet<EventType>, EventDataFilter) - Method in interface com.alachisoft.ncache.client.services.MessagingService
Registers cache notification EventType of type item added, updated or removed against specified key in cache.
addCacheStatusEventListener(CacheStatusEventListener, EnumSet<CacheStatusNotificationType>) - Method in interface com.alachisoft.ncache.client.services.NotificationService
Registers event for notifying applications when a node joins/lefts the cache or when cache is stopped.
addChangeListener(DataStructureDataChangeListener, EnumSet<EventType>, DataTypeEventDataFilter) - Method in interface com.alachisoft.ncache.client.datastructures.Notifiable
Allows you to register collection event notifications like Add, Update, and Remove on the collection.
addDataModificationListener(QueryDataModificationListener, EnumSet<EventType>, EventDataFilter) - Method in class com.alachisoft.ncache.client.ContinuousQuery
This method registers a custom listener that is fired on change in dataset of a continuous query
addDays(double) - Method in class com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.util.NCDateTime
Adds the specified number of days to the value of this instance.
addMessageDeliveryFailureListener(TopicListener) - Method in interface com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.caching.Topic
This method registers for message delivery failure events on this topic.
addMessageReceivedListener(MessageReceivedListener) - Method in interface com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.caching.TopicSubscription
Event to register subscriber against the topic so that it can receive the published messages.
AddMonths(int) - Method in class com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.util.NCDateTime
Returns a new Date that adds the specified number of months to the value of this instance.
addRange(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in interface com.alachisoft.ncache.client.datastructures.DistributedList
Adds the elements of the specified collection to the end of the List.
addRange(Collection<T>) - Method in interface com.alachisoft.ncache.client.datastructures.DistributedHashSet
Insert elements of the provided collection in DistributedHashSet.
addTicks(long) - Method in class com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.util.NCDateTime
Adds adds the specified number of ticks to the value of this instance.
AddToDataType - com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.datasourceprovider.DataStructureOperationType
Adding element to data type.
addTopicDeletedListener(TopicListener) - Method in interface com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.caching.Topic
This method registers for topic deleted event.
AddYears(int) - Method in class com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.util.NCDateTime
Returns a new Date that adds the specified number of years to the value of this instance.
AggregateCacheDependency - Class in com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.dependencies
Combines multiple dependencies between an item stored in an application's Cache object and an array of CacheDependency objects.
AggregateCacheDependency() - Constructor for class com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.dependencies.AggregateCacheDependency
Initializes a new instance of the AggregateCacheDependency class that wraps multiple This is the default constructor for the AggregateCacheDependency class.
AggregateException - Exception in com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.exceptions
This exception is thrown when multiple exceptions occur from multiple nodes.
AggregateException(int, String, ArrayList) - Constructor for exception com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.exceptions.AggregateException
AggregateException(Exception[]) - Constructor for exception com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.exceptions.AggregateException
AggregateException(String, ArrayList) - Constructor for exception com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.exceptions.AggregateException
AggregateException(ArrayList) - Constructor for exception com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.exceptions.AggregateException
AggregateRuntimeException - Exception in com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.exceptions.runtime
This exception is thrown when multiple exceptions occur from multiple nodes.
AggregateRuntimeException() - Constructor for exception com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.exceptions.runtime.AggregateRuntimeException
Constructs an OperationFailedException with null as its error detail message.
AggregateRuntimeException(int, String) - Constructor for exception com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.exceptions.runtime.AggregateRuntimeException
Initializes a new instance of the AggregateRuntimeException class
AggregateRuntimeException(int, String, String) - Constructor for exception com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.exceptions.runtime.AggregateRuntimeException
Initializes a new instance of the AggregateRuntimeException class
AggregateRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.exceptions.runtime.AggregateRuntimeException
Constructs an OperationFailedException with the specified detail message.
AggregateRuntimeException(String, boolean) - Constructor for exception com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.exceptions.runtime.AggregateRuntimeException
Initializes a new instance of the AggregateRuntimeException class
AggregateRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.exceptions.runtime.AggregateRuntimeException
Initializes a new instance of the AggregateRuntimeException class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception.
AggregateRuntimeException(String, Throwable, boolean) - Constructor for exception com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.exceptions.runtime.AggregateRuntimeException
Initializes a new instance of the AggregateRuntimeException class
AggregateRuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.exceptions.runtime.AggregateRuntimeException
Initializes a new instance of the AggregateRuntimeException class with references to the inner exceptions that are the cause of this exception.
All - com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.caching.DeliveryOption
Delivers message to all registered subscribers, if no subscriber has been registered, it will return without any failure acknowledgment.
ALL - com.alachisoft.ncache.client.CacheStatusNotificationType
User receives a notification whenever a node joins/leaves the cache and when the cache is stopped.
AnsiString - com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.dependencies.CmdParamsDbType
An extension of the ASCII character set in that it includes all the ASCII characters with an additional 128 character codes
AnsiStringFixedLength - com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.dependencies.CmdParamsDbType
fixed-length stream of non-Unicode characters.
Any - com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.caching.DeliveryOption
Delivers message to any one of the registered subscribers.
Array - com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.JSON.JsonDataType
Contained data is a Json array.
asJsonIterator() - Method in interface com.alachisoft.ncache.client.Cache
Retrieves a Map iterator used to iterate through the key settings and their values as JSON objects contained in the cache.
Async - com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.caching.messaging.DeliveryMode
Async invocation of messages.Using async method of delivery does not guarantee ordered delivery of messages.
AttributeIndexNotDefined - Exception in com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.exceptions
This exception is thrown whenever Attribute index is not found in case of NamedTags
AttributeIndexNotDefined() - Constructor for exception com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.exceptions.AttributeIndexNotDefined
Creates a new instance of AttributeIndexNotDefined without detail message.
AttributeIndexNotDefined(String) - Constructor for exception com.alachisoft.ncache.runtime.exceptions.AttributeIndexNotDefined
Constructs an instance of AttributeIndexNotDefined with the specified detail message.
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