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This feature is only available in NCache Enterprise edition.

Add-ClientNodeSecurity cmdlet configures client node level security so that NCache tasks can be performed. This updates client.ncconf for that specific cache accordingly.


Cache security is replicated into client node as well, so any secondary users will also be added to the client node.

Add-ClientNodeSecurity [-CacheName] –Admin -AdminPassword -DomainController -NodeName -PrimaryPassword –PrimaryUserName [-NoLogo] [-Password] [-Port] [-SecondaryPassword] [-SecondaryUserName] [-UserId] [<CommonParameters>]

These properties are explained in detail in the Properties section.


  • The following command configures client node security on demoCache which has administrator john_smith. This adds primary user as david_watson on the server
Add-ClientNodeSecurity -CacheName demoCache -Admin john_smith -AdminPassword adminpassword -PrimaryUserName david_watson -PrimaryPassword pripassword -DomainController pdc -NodeName
  • The following command configures client node security on demoCache which has administrator john_smith. This adds primary user as james_tredwell and secondary user david_watson on the server
Add-ClientNodeSecurity demoCache -Admin john_smith -AdminPassword adminpassword -PrimaryUserName james_tredwell -PrimaryPassword pripassword -SecondaryUserName david_watson -SecondaryPassword secpassword -DomainController pdc -NodeName


Note: The parameters with asterisk (*) on their names are the required parameters and the rest are optional.

Parameters Data Types Description Default Value
-CacheName* <String> Specifies the name of the cache for which security on the specified client node will be configured. -
-NodeName* <String> Specifies the client node where security is to be configured. -
-Admin* <String> Specifies the administrator Id. To configure security on any node, administrative rights are required. -
-AdminPassword* <String> Specifies administrator password. -
-DomainController* <String> Specifies the domain controller. -
-PrimaryUserName* <String> Specifies primary user Id. -
-PrimaryPassword* <String> Specifies password for primary user. This is saved in client.ncconf in encrypted form. -
-SecondaryUserName <String> Specifies secondary user Id. -
-SecondaryPassword <String> Specifies password for secondary user. This is saved in client.ncconf in encrypted form. -
-Port <Integer> Specifies the port on which NCache service is running. 8250
-NoLogo <SwitchParameter> Suppresses display of the logo banner. -