Download NCache

100% Native .NET (Industry's Only)


NCache Enterprise 5.3 SP4 (Free 30-Day Trial)

NCache Professional 5.3 SP3 (Free 30-Day Trial)


NCache Open Source 5.0 SP7 (free; use as is)



Azure Marketplace

AWS Marketplace


Kubernetes / Docker

Docker (Free 30-Day Trial)

Kubernetes (Free 30-Day Trial)



NCache Enterprise



NCache Enterprise

NCache Professional



NCache can be deployed and managed through Command Line Tools (CLI). On Windows, this is provided through PowerShell Cmdlets, and on Linux this is NCache CLI.

NCache PowerShell Modules

NCache Scripts

    • NCache Enterprise Scripts
    • Coming soon
    • NCache Professional Scripts
    • Coming soon
    • NCache Open Source Scripts
    • Coming soon

All Cache Servers work with .NET, Java, Python, and Node.js Clients. OSS Edition works only with .NET clients.

Note: NCache Open Source is released under the Apache License, Version 2.0
© Copyright Alachisoft 2002 - . All rights reserved. NCache is a registered trademark of Diyatech Corp.