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This feature is only available in NCache Enterprise and Professional editions.

Import-CacheData cmdlet enables the user to get all the items present in the existing backup of the cache. In order to create the backup use Export-CacheData cmdlet.

Import-CacheData [-Name] [-AssemblyPath] [-BulkSize] [-ErrorThreshhold] [-Expiry] [-NoLogo] [-Password] [-Path] [-UserId]

These properties are explained in detail in the Properties section.


  • This command imports the data from the backup source placed on the specified path to the cache including the dependent assembly files.
Import-CacheData -Name demoCache -AssemblyPath C:\assembly-folder -Path C:\Backup-path
  • This command imports the data from the backup source placed on the specified path to the cache including the dependent assembly files with the tolerance of maximum 10 errors.
Import-CacheData -Name demoCache -AssemblyPath C:\assembly-folder -Path C:\Backup-path –ErrorThreshhold 10
  • This command imports the data from the backup source placed on the specified path to the cache including the dependent assembly files. The data items would be restored in bulk of 100 at one time and the display of the logo banner will be suppressed.
Import-CacheData demoCache -AssemblyPath C:\assembly-folder -Path C:\Backup-path –BulkSize 100 –noLogo


Note: The parameters with asterisk (*) on their names are the required parameters and the rest are optional.

Parameters Data Types Description Default Value
-Name <String> Specifies the name of the cache which is to be backed up or restored. -
-Path <String> Specifies the path where the backup data is currently present. -
-AssemblyPath <String> Specifies the path where dependent assemblies reside. -
-BulkSize <Long> Specifies the bulk insertion size that can be restored back to the cache at one time. 1000
-ErrorThreshhold <Long> Specifies the number of errors that can be tolerated during importing files from the backup. 1
-Expiry <String> Specifies the expiration policy that gives the time span of the expiry of the data that is restored to the cache. The Possible options are
  • None
  • Adjusted
  • AsBefore
  • Adjusted
    -UserId <String> Specifies the User Id used to authorize a user if security is enabled on cache server. This User Id must be the same as the active directory user credentials. -
    -Password <String> Specifies the password against the user Id; to authorize a user if security is enabled on cache server. This password must be the same as active directory password. -
    -NoLogo <SwitchParameter> Suppresses display of the logo banner. False