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This feature is only available in NCache Enterprise and Professional editions.

Remove-BackingSource cmdlet removes the pre-configured backing source providers (read-through or write-through) from the cache.

Remove-BackingSource [-CacheName] [-NoLogo] [-Password] [-Port] [-ProviderName] [-ReadThru] [-Server] [-UserId] [-WriteThru

These properties are explained in detail in the Properties section.


  • The following command removes the pre-configured read-through provider named MyReader from demoCache.
Remove-BackingSource -CacheName demoCache -ProviderName MyReader –ReadThru
  • The following command removes the pre-configured write-through provider named MyWriter from demoCache.
Remove-BackingSource -CacheName demoCache -ProviderName MyWriter –WriteThru
  • The following command removes the pre-configured write-through provider named MyWriter from demoCache existing on server
Remove-BackingSource demoCache -ProviderName MyWriter –WriteThru –Server


Note: The parameters with asterisk (*) on their names are the required parameters and the rest are optional.

Parameters Data Types Description Default Value
-CacheName* <String> Specifies the name of the cache for which backing source will be configured. -
-ProviderName* <String> Specifies the provider name. -
-ReadThru* <SwitchParameter> Specifies if provided backing source is configured for ReadThru. -
-WriteThru* <SwitchParameter> Specifies if provided backing source is configured for WriteThru. -
-Server <String> Specifies a server name where the NCache service is running and a cache with the specified cache-name is registered. IP of local machine
-Port <Integer> Specifies the port on which NCache service is running. 8250
-UserId <String> Specifies the user-id used to authorize the user for this operation. It is required in case security is enabled on Cache Server. This user-id must be the active directory user-id prefixed with the domain name. -
-Password <String> Specifies the password of the user that is used to authorize the user for this operation. It is required in case security is enabled on Cache Server. This password must be the same as the active directory user password. -
-NoLogo <SwitchParameter> Suppresses display of the logo banner. -