Release Notes NCache 4.4 (Service Pack 2)

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


NCache 4.4 SP2 contains a few important enhancements related to memory and performance of NCache. This is a recommended upgrade for all NCache users.

Enhancements and New Additions

Following are some enhancements made in this release:

  1. DumpCacheData Tool:
  2. Dumpcachedata tool takes a dump of a running cache by enumerating cache data and stores this data on a location specified by user. This data can later be reloaded to a new or same cache. This tool is helpful when customers need to restart their cache servers while they don’t want to lose their business critical data in cache.

  3. DumpCacheKeys Tool:
  4. DumpCache tool is renamed to DumpCacheKeys.

  5. LinqPad Integration:
  6. LinqPad is a third party tool that can be used with NCache to query cache data. Data is shown on LinqPad console in a tabular form.

  7. HotApplicable Settings in Service Configuration:
  8. There are a few settings at service config level that now can be hot applied to caches running on a server. Previously, service restart was needed to apply settings defined in service configuration file. The list of HotApplicable settings is as follows:

    # Property Name Hot Applicable
    1 NCacheServer.LicenseLogging Yes
    2 NCacheServer.EnableNagling Yes
    3 NCacheServer.NaglingSize Yes
    3 NCacheServer.NaglingSize Yes
    4 NCacheServer.EventBulkCount Yes
    5 NCacheServer.ExpirationBulkRemoveSize Yes
    6 NCacheServer.ExpirationBulkRemoveDelay Yes
    7 NCacheServer.EvictionBulkRemoveSize Yes
    8 NCacheServer.EvictionBulkRemoveDelay Yes
    9 NCacheServer.BulkItemsToReplicate Yes
    10 NCacheServer.EnableCacheLastAccessCount Yes
    11 NCacheServer.EnableCacheLastAccessCountLogging Yes
    12 NCacheServer.CacheLastAccessCountInterval Yes
    13 NCacheServer.CacheLastAccessLogInterval Yes
    14 NCacheServer.LOHPoolSize Yes
    15 NCacheServer.LOHPoolBufferSize Yes
    16 NCacheServer.CacheSizeThreshold Yes
    17 NCacheServer.CacheSizeReportInterval Yes
    18 NCacheServer.LogClientEvents Yes
    19 NCacheServer.EventLogLevel Yes
    20 NCacheServer.AllowRequestEnquiry Yes
    21 NCacheServer.RequestEnquiryInterval Yes
    22 NCacheServer.ResponseDataSize Yes
    23 NCacheServer.EnableSnapshotPoolingCacheSize Yes
    24 NCacheServer.SnapshotPoolSize Yes
    25 NCacheServer.SnapshotCreationThreshold Yes
    26 NCacheServer.RequestInquiryCleanInterval Yes
  9. Optimizations in Client Cache:
  10. A few architectural changes are made in client cache to have a better performance in case of bulk operations.

List of Bugs Fixed:

  • 744113 FIX: Operations are not retried in case of connection failures or other internal exceptions. Instead these exceptions are thrown to client applications.
  • 744114 FIX: Eviction is turned off by default.
  • 744115 FIX: Session locking is turned off by default.
  • 744116 FIX: NCache Manager allows non-admins to perform administrative operations.
  • 744117 FIX: Activation tool crashes while activating machines with more than or equal to 32 cores.
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