Webinar: NCache Architecture

Presenter: Ron Hussain and Nick Zulfiqar

Basic Concepts of NCache Distributed Caching Architecture

NCache is an Open Source, extremely fast and linearly scalable native .NET distributed caching system. You can use NCache to cache your application data and reduce expensive database trips as the database gives performance and scalability bottlenecks. NCache allows you to create a cache on multiple cache servers forming a cluster and also pools the memory and computational resources of all these cache servers together that are hosting the cache.

This helps in removing data storage related performance bottlenecks and scaling .NET Applications to extreme transaction processing (XTP). NCache also ensure 100% availability and data reliability because the Cache comprises of multiple inexpensive servers with Data replication and no master-slave concept.

In this webinar we’ll see the basic concepts of NCache distributed caching, architecture and different caching topologies which can be implemented for your .NET applications. Here is what this webinar covers:

  • Quick overview of distributed caching and how it resolves bottlenecks in .NET applications
  • NCache distributed cache architecture and clustering details
  • Caching topologies (Mirrored Cache, Replicated Cache, Partitioned Cache, Partitioned-Replica Cache, Client Cache, Bridge WAN Replication)
  • Where in your application can you use distributed caching?
  • Data caching with NCache APIs
  • ASP.NET web caching (session state, view state, page outputs signalr backplane)
  • Important features of NCache distributed cache
  • Some hands on examples of using a distributed cache for objects and ASP.NET web caching

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