Get-CacheServerStatistics - Monitor Cache Performance
This PowerShell Cmdlet displays the statistics of the specified cache. It displays a list of performance counters by default which can be extended by a list of custom counters to monitor cache performance. It helps you save the counters in a .CSV file which can be opened in Microsoft Excel. Moreover, the .CSV file can be converted to .blg format for viewing counters in Cache Performance Monitor.
NCache OSS has different parameters in some Cmdlet instances.
Get-CacheServerStatistics [-CacheName] [-Server] [-CounterNames] [-Continuous] [-DoNotShowDefaultCounters] [-Format] [-SampleInterval] [-MaxSamples] [-NoLogo]
Examples of Get-CacheServerStatistics - Monitor Cache Performance
- The following command displays the default counters of the server for demoCache from the default node to monitor cache performance.
Get-CacheServerStatistics -CacheName demoCache
- The following command displays the default counters for the cache demoCache from the client nodes and
Get-CacheServerStatistics -CacheName demoCache -Server ","
- This command gets values of specified counter names alongside the default counters for demoCache.
Get-CacheServerStatistics -CacheName demoCache -Server "," -CounterNames "Hits/sec,Misses/sec"
- This command gets the 50 samples from defined counters for demoCache.
Get-CacheServerStatistics -CacheName demoCache -Server "," -CounterNames "Hits/sec,Misses/sec" -MaxSamples 50
- This command gets values of specified counter names for demoCache. It does not display the values of default counters.
Get-CacheServerStatistics -CacheName demoCache -Server "," -CounterNames "Hits/sec,Misses/sec" -DoNotShowDefaultCounters
- The following command gets default counters for the cache demoCache continuously after every 3 second interval.
Get-CacheServerStatistics -CacheName demoCache -Continuous -SampleInterval 3
- This command gets values of counters for demoCache continuously after every 5 seconds.
Get-CacheServerStatistics -CacheName demoCache -Server "," -Continuous -SampleInterval 5
- This command gets values of default counters for demoCache continuously after every 3 seconds and saves the output in .CSV format at the given location.
Get-CacheServerStatistics -CacheName demoCache -Continuous -SampleInterval 1 -Format CSV | Out-File -Encoding ASCII "C:\stats.csv"
The parameters with asterisk (*) on their names are the required parameters and the rest are optional.
Parameters | Data Types | Description | Default Value |
-CacheName* |
<String> |
Specifies the name of the cache for which counters need to be fetched. | - |
-Server |
<String> |
Specifies one or more server name(s) where the NCache Service and a cache with the specified cache-name is running. NOTE: Comma (,) separated server names enclosed in double quotes are to be specified in case of multiple servers. |
Local Machine |
-CounterNames |
<String> |
Specifies one or more counter(s) not included in default counters that should be displayed. NOTE: Comma (,) separated counter names enclosed in double quotes are to be specified in case of multiple counters. The PerfMon counters mentioned on this page can be fetched by this switch. |
- |
-Continuous |
<SwitchParameter> |
Specified in order to get the statistics continuously. | - |
-DoNotShowDefaultCounters |
<SwitchParameter> |
Specifies whether default counters are to be shown. NOTE: This parameter is only valid if Counter Names are provided. |
False |
-Format |
<String> |
By default, display format is tabular but it can be set to .CSV, and that output can be saved in .CSV file for future use. | Tabular |
-SampleInterval |
<Integer> |
Specifies the time between samples in seconds. Minimum value is 1 seconds. | 3 |
-MaxSamples |
<Integer> |
Specifies the number of samples to get from each counter. To get samples continuously (no maximum sample size), use the Continuous parameter. NOTE: The Continuous parameter and the MaxSamples parameter cannot be used in the same command. If a sample interval is provided, it will take the next Sample after that interval, otherwise it will use the default value, i.e., 3 seconds. |
1 |
-NoLogo |
<SwitchParameter> |
Suppresses display of the logo banner. | False |