NCache Cloud (SaaS)

Fully Managed Cloud Service for Azure / AWS

NCache Cloud (SaaS) is a fully managed cloud service with 99.99% availability. You purchase it either from Alachisoft or Azure/AWS marketplaces. Either way, NCache Cloud is hosted and fully managed by Alachisoft in the Azure/AWS Region and Availability Zone of your choice. You are provided VNET/VPC Peering or a Private Link enabling your application to quickly and seamlessly access pre-configured and running NCache Cloud.

Azure Marketplace
AWS Marketplace

Monthly/Annual Subscriptions and Free Dev/QA

You can buy monthly and annual subscriptions to NCache Cloud as described below:

  1. Monthly (Pay as You Go): Use it for development and QA, or seasonal fluctuations in your deployments on top of your annual subscription.
  2. Annual (with Discounts): When you purchase an annual subscription, you receive discounted prices for both NCache Cloud licenses and the underlying virtual machines (VMs).
  3. Buy from Alachisoft or Azure/AWS Marketplace: Contact our sales team to obtain a custom quote along with technical guidance from our highly experienced solution architects on your capacity planning. Then, based on this custom quote, you can either purchase NCache Cloud directly from Alachisoft or from the Azure/AWS marketplace where NCache Cloud is listed.
  4. Free Dev/QA (Non-Hosted): you get free licenses for your Dev Workstations and Dev/QA servers with performance and size limitations. However, these are non-hosted which means that you have to install them yourself.

Cloud Migration and Multi-Cloud

NCache Cloud lets you reuse your licenses during your cloud migration from on-premises and also while going from one cloud to another.

  1. Cloud Migration (Perpetual / Subscription Licenses): if you’re using NCache already in an on-premises situation, or any cloud but in a non-hosted manner, and you want to move to Azure / AWS cloud, you can reuse your existing licenses. This means you pay prorated fees for NCache Cloud in the target cloud platform (Azure / AWS) and not the full price. Even existing customers with perpetual licenses can reuse those licenses against NCache Cloud and pay prorated fees for cloud infrastructure and management.
  2. Multi-Cloud (Perpetual / Subscription Licenses): if you’re planning to move NCache Cloud from one cloud platform to another (Azure or AWS), you can reuse the NCache Cloud software licenses and pay prorated fees for your target cloud platform. Even existing customers with perpetual licenses can reuse those licenses against NCache Cloud in multiple clouds and pay prorated fees for cloud infrastructure and management.

High Availability with Dynamic Scaling

NCache Cloud provides high availability and dynamic scaling to you as described below.

  • High Availability (Replication): NCache Cloud provides intelligent replication within the cluster that is extremely fast and scalable. It offers Mirrored Cache, Replicated Cache, Partition-Replica Cache caching topologies, and Live Persistence for that purpose.
  • Dynamic Scaling: NCache architecture is based on dynamic clustering. This enables you to add or remove NCache servers at runtime without stopping NCache or your application.
    • Add Servers at Runtime: purchase the additional servers and they are quickly made available to you inside your deployment. Then, use NCache Management Center (or command line tools) to add them to existing NCache clusters at runtime yourself without stopping your application.
    • Remove Servers at Runtime: use the NCache Management Center (or command line tools) to stop or remove an NCache server from the cluster without stopping your application or facing any data loss. Once the server is stopped, you can either restart it or discontinue it. If you discontinue it, then the underlying VM is deprovisioned.

WAN Replication across Regions / Zones (Azure/AWS)

NCache Cloud lets you set up multi-region/multi-zone deployments and replicate data stored in NCache asynchronously across all of them.

  • 2 Sites (Active-Active/Active-Passive): use for disaster recovery (DR) or geo-location near your target users.
  • 3+ Sites (all active or some active): use for geo-location near your target users.

You can create multiple NCache Cloud deployments in different regions or availability zones in Azure / AWS. Alachisoft then creates a VNET/VPC peering across all of these so they can all see each other. This enables you to use NCache Bridge Topology to set up WAN replication across these deployments.

Free Trial (Managed / Non-Hosted)

NCache offers a 30-day free trial option as follows:

  1. Free NCache Playground (Hosted): go to the NCache Playground page on our website and instantaneously access a preconfigured 2-node running NCache cluster along with NCache Management Center and numerous samples in .NET and Java (Python and Node.js coming) that you can edit, compile and run.
  2. Free Trial 15-30 Days (Managed): contact our sales team and discuss your situation to qualify. They will then set up a 15-30 days free trial of NCache Cloud (Enterprise) for you consisting of a 2-Node cluster in the region / availability zone of your choice in Azure / AWS. You can then access this free trial from your application through a VNET/VPC Peering or a Private Link.
  3. Free Trial 30-Day (Non-Hosted): download NCache Enterprise or Professional software from our website and install, or fetch a preconfigured Docker image from Docker Hub and use it. You’re provided an install key through email that turns all NCache features for 30 days.

NCache Cloud Environment

When you purchase NCache Cloud, you get the following options and capabilities.

  • Windows & Linux: select your preferred operating system for NCache servers based on your team’s expertise and comfort.
  • VNET/VPC Peering or Private Link: you can choose either one. VNET/VPC Peering provides more control over all NCache features, especially server-side code like read-through/write-through/loader/refresher needing to access your database. Private Link gives you more privacy.
  • Remote Login: you are given a remote login capability to NCache servers. This gives you better access and more control over NCache servers.

Get NCache Clients

NCache has a server portion and a client portion. The server portion is called NCache Cloud which you are provided in a fully managed manner. The client portion is something you can embed inside your application or install on your application server. You can obtain NCache Client from the following sources:

You can bundle the NCache Client libraries inside your .NET application and deploy them to Azure, AWS, or any other cloud. However, please note that bundled NCache Client libraries only provide an InProc Client Cache feature. The OutProc Client Cache is only possible if you install NCache Client through an installer (Windows or Linux).

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