NCache Software

Deploy Yourself (On-Premises, Azure, AWS, Multi-cloud)

Free 30-day Trial (fully working) available for evaluation purposes only.


Free Dev/QA

  • - Dev Workstations and QA Servers**

Server-only Plans (Clients Free) (Annual)

  • - Annual subscription. Mid-year add servers prorated
  • - PRO-4 (4 GB, 2 vCPUs) ($990)
  • - PRO-8 (8 GB, 4 vCPUs) ($1,980)
  • - PRO-16 (16 GB, 8 vCPUs) ($3,960)
  • - PRO-32 (32 GB, 16 vCPUs) ($7,920)
  • - PRO-64 (64 GB, 32 vCPUs) ($14,850)
  • - PRO-128 (128+ GB, 64+ vCPUs) ($26,730)

Client-Server Plans (Annual)

  • - Annual subscription. Mid-year add servers prorated
  • - PROCS-16 (16 GB, 8 vCPUs) ($1,590)
  • - PROCS-32 (32 GB, 16 vCPUs) ($3,180)
  • - PROCS-64 (64 GB, 32 vCPUs) ($6,360)
  • - PROCS-128 (128+ GB, 64+ vCPUs) ($12,720)
  • Remote Client
  • - PROCS-Client (vCPUs) ($790)


  • - Phone/email support during office hours
  • - Free bug fixes and upgrades


Free Dev/QA

  • - Dev Workstations and QA Servers**

Server-only Plans (Clients Free) (Annual / Perpetual)

Please call for price
  • - Subscription / perpetual. Mid-year add servers prorated
  • - ENT-4 (4 GB, 2 vCPUs)
  • - ENT-8 (8 GB, 4 vCPUs)
  • - ENT-16 (16 GB, 8 vCPUs)
  • - ENT-32 (32 GB, 16 vCPUs)
  • - ENT-64 (64 GB, 32 vCPUs)
  • - ENT-128 (128+ GB, 64+ vCPUs)

Client-Server Plans (Annual / Perpetual)

Please call for price
  • - Subscription / perpetual. Mid-year add servers prorated
  • - ENTCS-16 (16 GB, 8 vCPUs)
  • - ENTCS-32 (32 GB, 16 vCPUs)
  • - ENTCS-64 (64 GB, 32 vCPUs)
  • - ENTCS-128 (128+ GB, 64+ vCPUs)
  • Remote Client
  • - ENTCS-Client (vCPUs)


  • - Phone/email support during office hours
  • - Free bug fixes and upgrades

24x7 Support

  • - 24x7 support (1-hour response time)
  • - Purchased separately (10% perpetual / 15% subscription)

NCache Cloud

Fully Managed for Azure and AWS

Purchase from Alachisoft or on Azure / AWS marketplace.

Cloud Free Trial


Free Dev/QA (Non-Hosted)

  • - Dev Workstations & QA Servers (deploy yourself)**

NCache Servers (Fully Managed)

  • - Monthly and Annual Subscriptions
  • - Server-only licensing (clients are free)
  • - 2-Node minimum per cluster
  • - Dynamic scaling of servers without any downtime
  • - Single Zone
  • - VNET Peering or Private Link
  • - Windows and Linux available
  • - Discounts provided on 1-year reservations
  • - Cloud infrastructure cost not included
  • Server Profiles & Prices
  • - PRO-4 (4 GB, 2 vCPUs) ($0.18/hr)
  • - PRO-8 (8 GB, 4 vCPUs) ($0.36/hr)
  • - PRO-16 (16 GB, 8 vCPUs) ($0.72/hr)
  • - PRO-32 (32 GB, 16 vCPUs) ($1.43/hr)
  • - PRO-64 (64 GB, 32 vCPUs) ($2.69/hr)
  • - PRO-128 (128+ GB, 64+ vCPUs) ($4.84/hr)


  • - Phone/email support during office hours
  • - Free bug fixes and upgrades
  • - Fully managed. 99.99% availability


Free Dev/QA (Non-Hosted)

  • - Dev Workstations & QA Servers (deploy yourself)**

NCache Servers (Fully Managed)

  • - Monthly and Annual Subscriptions
  • - Server-only licensing (clients are free)
  • - 2-Node minimum per cluster
  • - Dynamic scaling of servers without any downtime
  • - Multi-Region/Multi-Zone with WAN Replication
  • - VNET Peering or Private Link
  • - Remote login to NCache servers
  • - Windows and Linux available
  • - Discounts provided on 1-year reservations
  • - Cloud infrastructure cost not included
  • Server Profiles & Prices
  • - ENT-4 (4 GB, 2 vCPUs) ($0.65/hr)
  • - ENT-8 (8 GB, 4 vCPUs) ($1.30/hr)
  • - ENT-16 (16 GB, 8 vCPUs) ($1.95/hr)
  • - ENT-32 (32 GB, 16 vCPUs) ($3.25/hr)
  • - ENT-64 (64 GB, 32 vCPUs) ($5.85/hr)
  • - ENT-128 (128+ GB, 64+ vCPUs) ($9.75/hr)


  • - Phone/email support during office hours
  • - Free bug fixes and upgrades
  • - Fully managed. 99.99% availability

24x7 Support

  • - 24x7 support (1-hour response time)
  • - Purchased separately (15% extra)

Request a Quote

Our technical experts can guide you about sizing your configuration for optimal performance yet within your budget.

Free Dev Workstations and Dev/QA Servers

**NCache offers free Dev and QA licenses. These include Dev Workstations and Dev / QA Servers. All of them include NCache API and a stand-alone local cache. Dev Workstations can access the local cache with performance limitations. Dev Workstations can also access remote cache clusters but with performance limitations. Dev / QA Server is a stand-alone cache server with a max of 2 remote clients, a max 2 GB aggregated cache size, and performance limitations. Local clients are free and not counted.

For NCache Cloud, Dev Workstations and Dev/QA Servers are available as free non-hosted options. This means you must install or deploy NCache yourself on your VMs either through an installer or by using a preconfigured Docker image.

Fully Managed "Cloud" Servers (Azure, AWS)

When you purchase an NCache Cloud subscription (whether from Alachisoft or Azure/AWS marketplace), the NCache Cloud servers are hosted in Azure or AWS for you and fully managed by Alachisoft. NCache Cloud is deployed into one or more deployment environments for you (prod, DR, staging, test, QA, etc.). You select a Region and Availability Zone for each deployment environment where 2 or more NCache Cloud servers are deployed and hosted.

The NCache client (meaning your application) runs inside your own Azure/AWS subscription and VNET/VPC and its accesses the NCache Cloud servers either through a Private Link or VNET/VPC Peering.

Additional "Cloud" Monthly Subscription Licenses

For NCache Cloud, on top of your annual subscription, you can purchase additional licenses/servers mid-year on a monthly subscription basis either from the beginning of the annual subscription or mid-year. You pay for these licenses at the beginning of each month and you’re charged until you stop the monthly subscription or until the end of the annual subscription period whichever comes first. And, the first month is prorated. At the time of your annual subscription renewal, unless you specify otherwise, your monthly subscription licenses are automatically renewed on a monthly basis.

Move "Software" Licenses (On-Prem, Multi-Cloud)

For NCache Software, you can purchase a combination of server-only and client-server licenses for different environments. But, within one environment, you must use only one licensing scheme. You can move these licenses from one environment to another by deactivating/reactivating them when needed. Additionally, you can use the same licenses between on-premises and Azure / AWS and other clouds, and also from one cloud platform to another. Moving licenses is only possible either for unexpired subscription licenses or if you have perpetual licenses and your Annual Support and Maintenance is active for them.

Mid-Year "Software" Pro-rated Purchases

For NCache Software, you can purchase additional licenses/servers in the middle of your annual subscription on a prorated basis. When you purchase these, you are charged upfront for all the remaining months until the end of the subscription period and the initial month is prorated. Additionally, whenever you purchase these additional licenses/servers, they’re automatically included in the subscription renewal unless you specify otherwise.

For NCache Software, if you already have perpetual licenses, then you are given a grandfathering option in which you can buy additional perpetual licenses. And, if you buy these perpetual licenses in the middle of your Annual Support and Maintenance period, you only pay for Annual Support and Maintenance on a prorated basis.


Request a Quote

Contact us for a quote. Our technical experts can guide you about sizing your configuration for optimal performance.

Contact Details
Headquarters (Dallas, Texas, United States) +1 (214) 764-6933
Sales Email
Technical Support

NCache Software is online product, available free to evaluate for 30 days with all features and no performance or other limitations. You can either download it from our website or use a preconfigured Docker image from Docker Hub. Upon download or registration, you are given an Install Key that you must enter at install time or afterward in case of a preconfigured Docker Image. This activates NCache for 30 days but you can extend it 30 days at a time and up to 120 days total by contacting sales.

Upon purchase of NCache Software, you will receive a license key that you can use either on-premises or in any cloud as BYOL. Entering the license key converts the product from evaluation mode to a purchased copy without any re-installation. And, the product works for one or more years (based on how many years of subscription you have purchased) or perpetually if your licenses are perpetual. And, at the end of this subscription period, you must renew the subscription or NCache will stop working. However, you’re given ample alerts at renewal time.

* NCache Enterprise and Professional Software are both licensed on an annual subscription basis in both client/server and server-only licensing models. This annual subscription allows the customers to buy additional licenses/servers mid-year until the end of the subscription period on a prorated basis. A grandfathering option is available for existing NCache Enterprise Software customers, with perpetual client/server and server-only licensing models, that allows them to continue to purchase NCache Enterprise under the same licensing scheme.

*** In both server-only and client/server licensing models, the servers are licensed based on a combination of RAM and vCPUs matching different server plans. Each server plan consumes a set number of licenses matching that plan. In server-only licensing, the clients are free whereas in client/server licensing the clients are licensed separately. You can change server plans without a new purchase by reusing licenses from one server plan to another. In legacy client/server licensing available only to existing customers as a grandfathering option, one license is equal to 4 vCPUs or 4 Cores. The total number of licenses consumed in each NCache client or each NCache server is equal to the number of vCPUs or Cores divided by 4. However, a minimum of 2 licenses are consumed per NCache client or NCache server regardless.

**** Remote Client includes NCache API, and for Enterprise edition also Client Cache (InProc/OutProc). Can access cache clusters remotely. Multiple connections from the same VM / Docker instance are still one client.

***** Service packs to the product for fixing bugs and problems are provided free of charge even without Annual Support and Maintenance. However, new releases of the product are not provided free of charge without Annual Support and Maintenance.

For the product Software License Agreement click here

© Copyright Alachisoft 2002 - . All rights reserved. NCache is a registered trademark of Diyatech Corp.