In-Memory Distributed Cache

100% Native .NET (Industry's Only)

NCache is an Open Source In-Memory Distributed Cache that is ideal for high transaction .NET and Java applications. NCache is extremely fast and linearly scalable and caches application data to reduce expensive database trips. Use NCache to remove performance bottlenecks and scale your applications to extreme transaction processing (XTP). NCache also provides dynamic clustering, intelligent data replication, and live persistence for high availability.

NCache is industry's only 100% native .NET caching solution and all other solutions including Redis are non-native to .NET.

.NET Edition

Server-side Code (.NET)

  • - Read-thru, Write-thru, Loader/Refresher

Client (.NET)

Other Clients: Java, Node.js, Python

Java Edition

Server-side Code (Java)

  • - Read-thru, Write-thru, Loader/Refresher

Client (Java)

Other Clients: .NET, Node.js, Python

Common Uses of NCache

  1. Data Caching
  2. Web App Caching
  3. Messaging & Streams
    • Pub/Sub Messaging, Continuous Query, Events

NCache Architecture

NCache Architecure
NCache Benchmarking
NCache Architecture
Five Steps to Getting Started

Featured Customers

NCache Customers - Citi Group
NCache Customers - Barclays Bank
NCache Customers - Bank of America
NCache Customers - BMW Financial Services
NCache Customers - Toyota
NCache Customers - US Department of State
NCache Customers - KPMG
NCache Customers - Dell
NCache Customers - NICE CXone Inc
NCache Customers - Chevron


Use Cases

Features & Capabilities

Use NCache as an extremely fast and linearly scalable distributed cache in the following environments and applications.

NCache Core Architecture

  • Peer-to-peer dynamic cache cluster
  • Caching Topology: Partitioned, Partition-Replica,
    Mirrored, Replicated Cache
  • InProc speed with Client Cache (Near Cache)
  • WAN replication with Bridge Topology
  • Split Brain detection & recovery

Distributed Caching Features

  • Expiration, Locking, Bulk & Async Ops
  • Groups, Tags, Named Tags
  • SQL and LINQ queries
  • Read-through, Write-through, Write-behind
  • Data Structures (List, Queue, Set, ...)
  • Cache Loader & Refresher

Messaging, Events, Streams

  • Pub/Sub Messaging with Topic (decoupled apps)
  • Durable Subscriptions
  • Continuous Query Events
  • Item Level & Cache Level Events


  • Windows (.msi)
  • Linux (.tar.gz, RPM, DEB)
  • Kubernetes, Docker
  • Azure AKS, AWS EKS, OpenShift, Google GKE

.NET Edition

  • Server-side code (.NET): Read-thru, Write-thru, Loader, Refresher, Entry Processor
  • Client (.NET): Directly talks to NCache servers. Provides all features.
  • Other Clients: Java, Node.js, and Python

Java Edition

  • Server-side code (Java): Read-thru, Write-thru, Loader, Refresher, Entry Processor
  • Client (Java): Directly talks to NCache servers. Provides all features.
  • Other Clients: .NET, Node.js, and Python
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