NCache Enterprise

100% Features Provided with 24x7 Support

NCache is an extremely fast and scalable In-Memory Distributed Cache for .NET and Java. NCache Enterprise has 100% of all NCache features to help developers use it with full benefits. NCache Enterprise comes with the following benefits:

  • 100% features provided
  • .NET Edition and Java Edition included (see .NET Edition vs Java Edition)
  • Both Subscription and Perpetual Licenses available
  • Annual Maintenance & Regular Support provided
  • 24x7 Support provided
  • Community-based technical support through NCache Google Groups
  • Cache Server (Windows, Linux)
  • Cache Clients: .NET, Java, Node.js, and Python (Windows, Linux)
  • Download from our website or fetch a Docker Image
  • Use NCache Enterprise as Software on Azure / AWS and other clouds
  • Available in both Public and Private Clouds

Annual Maintenance and Support

NCache Enterprise comes with Annual Maintenance and Support that includes the following:

  1. Free upgrades to newer versions
  2. Timely issuance of Public Service Packs (Public SPs) with bug fixes and minor feature enhancements
  3. Quick release of Private Service Packs (Private SPs) specific to your needs and to fix critical bugs
  4. Regular support during office hours via email and phone

Annual Maintenance and Support is included in subscription licenses price but for perpetual licenses, it is purchased as a separate line item.

24x7 Support

24x7 Support is provided only with NCache Enterprise and includes the following:

  1. Off-hours support: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (you’re provided an off-hours US phone number)
  2. For critical issues only: support is provided only for production-related issues or other similar high-urgency issues that cannot wait until the next business day without considerable harm to your business

24x7 Support is purchased separately and is optional.

Feature Highlight of NCache Enterprise

For a detailed comparison of all the editions, please check out the links below.

Get NCache Enterprise (Free 30-Day Trial)

NCache Enterprise is available from the following places for you to obtain and use.

What to Do Next?

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