Edition Comparison - NCache

100% Native .NET (Industry's Only)

Feature Open SourceOSS ProfessionalPro EnterpriseEnt
Cache Client OSS Pro Ent
- .NET 6+ (Windows & Linux)
- .NET 4.8 (Windows)
- Java (Windows & Linux)
- Node.js (Windows & Linux)
- Python (Windows & Linux) (New)
Cache Server OSS Pro Ent
- .NET 6 (Windows)
- .NET 6 (Linux)
- Java 17 (Linux) (Java Edition)
- Java 17 (Windows) (Java Edition)
- .NET 4.8 (Windows)
Caching Topologies OSS Pro Ent
- Number of Clients Max 2 Nodes
(Local / Remote)
Unlimited Unlimited
- Local Cache
(Max 2 GB, 2 vCPUs)
- Client Cache (Boost Performance)
- Mirrored Cache
(Max 2 GB, 2 vCPUs)
- Replicated Cache
- Partitioned Cache
- Partition-Replica Cache
  • - Sync / Async Replication
  • - Stop Repartitioning for Scheduled Maintenance
  • - LIVE Split-Brain Detection & Recovery
- Distributed / Shared Persistence
- WAN Replication (Bridge Topology)
- LIVE Software Upgrade
- Nagle Algorithm in Cluster (Boost Performance)
- Other High Availability Features
  • - Cluster Keep-Alive Heart Beat
  • - Client/Server Keep-Alive
  • - Client/Server Command Retries
  • - Client/Server Events Retries
  • - LIVE Graceful Cache Server Stop
Cloud (Azure, AWS, Google, Others) OSS Pro Ent
- NCache Cloud (SaaS) at Marketplace (Azure / AWS)
- NCache Software thru Install (All Clouds) (BYOL)
- NCache Software thru Docker/Kubernetes (All Clouds) (BYOL)
  • - Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • - AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)
  • - Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
  • - Red Hat OpenShift
Distributed Caching Features OSS Pro Ent
- New Modern NCache API
- Basic Operations (Get, Add, Insert, Remove)
- Bulk Operations (Get, Add, Insert, Remove)
- Lock/Unlock (Exclusive Locking)
- JSON Serialization
- Location Affinity
- Async Operations (Add, Insert, Remove)
- Streaming API
- Item Versioning (Optimistic Locking)
- Multiple Object Versions
- Portable Data Types
- Compression
- Fast Compact Serialization
.NET Integrations OSS Pro Ent
- Entity Framework Core Cache
  (thru Extension Methods) (Basic)
- Entity Framework Core Cache
  (thru Extension Methods) (Advanced)
- Entity Framework 6 Cache
- NHibernate Cache (Basic)
- NHibernate Cache (Advanced)
- AppFabric Wrapper (no code change)
- Identity Server 4
ASP.NET Core Apps OSS Pro Ent
- ASP.NET Core IDistributedCache
- ASP.NET Core IDistributedCache (Multi-cache)    
- ASP.NET Core Sessions (Basic)
- ASP.NET Core Sessions (JSON Serialization) (New)
- ASP.NET Core Sessions (Advanced)
- ASP.NET Core Sessions (Multi-Site)
- ASP.NET Core Response Caching
- ASP.NET Core SignalR Backplane
Java Apps OSS Pro Ent
  • - Java Web Sessions
    (Tomcat, Spring, JBoss, WebLogic, WebSphere)
- Java Web Sessions (Multi-site)
- Hibernate Cache
- Spring Integration
ASP.NET Apps OSS Pro Ent
- ASP.NET Sessions (Basic)
- ASP.NET Sessions (Advanced)
- ASP.NET Sessions (Multi-site)
- ASP.NET Sessions (Share with ASP.NET Core)
- ASP.NET View State (Basic)
- ASP.NET View State (Advanced)
- ASP.NET Output Cache
- ASP.NET SignalR Backplane
Node.js OSS Pro Ent
- Node.js Web Sessions
Pub/Sub Messaging & Events OSS Pro Ent
- Pub/Sub Messaging with Topic (Basic)
- Pub/Sub Messaging with Topic (Advanced)
- Pub/Sub (Topic Priority, Message Ordering)
- Pattern Based Subscription (Wildcards)
- Durable Subscriptions (Exclusive / Shared)
- Continuous Query Events
- Item Level Events (onUpdate/onRemove)
- Cache Level Events
  (on Add/Update/Remove/Clear Cache)
- Custom Events (fired by Clients)
Distributed Lucene for .NET (New) OSS Pro Ent
- Full-Text Search (Distributed Lucene) (.NET) (New)
- Geospatial Indexes (Distributed Lucene) (New)
- Faceted Search (Distributed Lucene) (New)
- Import Lucene Indexes (New)
- Backup / Restore Lucene Index (New)
Data Expirations & Evictions OSS Pro Ent
- Absolute Expirations
- Sliding Expirations
- Default Expirations
- Priority FIFO Eviction
- Least Recently Used (LRU) Eviction
- Least Frequently Used (LFU) Eviction
- Do Not Evict Option
Cache Management (Windows, Linux) OSS Pro Ent
- NCache Web Manager (GUI)
- PowerShell Cmdlet Tools
- Shell Script Tools (Linux)
- Cache Config File Edits
- Hot Apply Config Changes
- Cache Management API (.NET & Java)
- Auto Restart & Join Cluster on Reboot
- Port Forwarding (Firewalls & Multi-Site)
- Multiple NIC Mapping in Cache Server & Client
Cache Monitoring (Windows, Linux) OSS Pro Ent
- NCache Web Monitor (GUI)
- NCache Web Manager Counters
- PerfMon Counters (Win)
- Windows Event Log (Win)
- SNMP Counters
- NCache Email Alerts (Template based)
- Cluster Change Events (.NET & Java)
- PerfMon Counters Server-side Logging (Win)
- API Profiling & Logging (Server-side)
- NCache Log Viewer (Win)
- Prometheus & Grafana based Monitoring
Security OSS Pro Ent
- Active Directory/LDAP Authentication
- Authorization
- Encryption
  (3DES128-192, AES128-192-256, FIPS)
- TLS 1.2 for Clients & Servers
- Two Domain Controllers Support
- Support for https (NCache Web Manager) (New)
SQL Search Cache OSS Pro Ent
- SQL Queries
- LINQ Queries
- SQL / LINQ Queries on Groups, Tags, Named Tags
- Tags
- Named Tags
- Groups/Subgroups
- Indexing Object Attributes for SQL & LINQ
- Indexing Object Attributes thru Annotations (New)
- Indexing JSON Documents for SQL & LINQ
- Nullable Support in SQL Queries (New)
Read-Through, Write-Through Cache (.NET, Java) OSS Pro Ent
- Read-Through Provider
- Auto-Reload at Expiration / DB Sync
- Write-Through Provider
- Write-Behind (Async)
Cache Loader / Refresher OSS Pro Ent
- Cache Loader (Distributed)
- Cache Refresher (Distributed)
Distributed Data Structures OSS Pro Ent
- Counter
- List
- HashSet
- Dictionary
- Queue
Synchronize Cache with Database OSS Pro Ent
- SQL Dependency (SQL Server Events)
- Oracle Dependency (Oracle DB Events)
- Notify Extensible Dependency (Custom DB Events)
- Extensible Dependency (Normal / Bulk) (Polling)
- CLR DB Procedures (SQL Server)
Data Relationships in Cache OSS Pro Ent
- Key Based Dependency
- File Based Dependency
- Multi-Cache Key Dependency
- Cache Sync Dependency
Big Data Processing & Analytics OSS Pro Ent
- MapReduce
- Aggregator
- Entry Processor
Cache Persistence (New) OSS Pro Ent
- In-Memory Cache with Persistence (New)
Client Packages (.NET, Java, Node.js) OSS Pro Ent
- NuGet
  (SDK, Sessions, IDistributedCache, NHibernate)
- NuGet (SignalR, EF Core, Lucene)
- NuGet (LINQ, EF6)
- Maven (Java)
  (Client, Sessions, Spring, Hibernate)
- npm (Node.js)
  (Client, Sessions)
Licensing & Support OSS Pro Ent
- Licensing Free Licensed Licensed
- Support (Email, Phone, Office Hours) Public Forum,
no SLA
- Maintenance (Upgrades, Public Patches, Bug Fixes)
- Maintenance (Custom Private Patches)
- 24x7 Support (1-hour SLA)
© Copyright Alachisoft 2002 - . All rights reserved. NCache is a registered trademark of Diyatech Corp.