NCache Architecture

NCache is an Open Source In-Memory Distributed Cache for .NET, Java, Node.js, and Python. NCache is ideal for high transaction server applications because it is extremely fast and linearly scalable. Use NCache to remove performance bottlenecks and scale your applications to extreme transaction processing (XTP). NCache also provides intelligent data replication and dynamic clustering for high availability.

NCache has been very popular since 2005 with hundreds of high-end customers all over the world using it.


Dynamic Cluster (High Availability)

NCache has self-healing dynamic cache clustering based on a peer-to-peer architecture to provide 100% uptime. This is a TCP-based cluster where there are no master/slave nodes and instead every server in the cluster is a peer. This allows you to add or remove any cache server at runtime from the cluster without stopping either the cache or your application.


Peer to Peer Cluster (Self-Healing)

NCache cluster has a peer-to-peer cluster architecture. This means there are no Master/Slave nodes and each server is a peer. There is a Cluster Coordinator node that is the oldest node in the cluster. If the Cluster Coordinator node goes down, the next oldest one automatically becomes the coordinator.

The Cluster Coordinator manages all cluster-related operations including cluster membership when nodes are added or removed, distribution map for Partitioned Cache / Partition-Replica Cache topology, and other cache configuration information. Cluster Coordinator also managed cluster health and forcibly removes any cache servers that are partially connected to all other servers in the cluster.


Dynamic Clustering

NCache has a dynamic clustering architecture. This means you can add or remove any cache server from the cluster without stopping the cache or the applications. Whenever you add or remove a cache server, the Cluster Membership is updated immediately at runtime and propagated to all the servers in the cluster as well as all the clients connected to the cluster. This runtime update and propagation allows NCache to always be up and running even when such changes are being made.

Dynamic clustering allows you to do the following:

  • - Add / Remove Cache Servers at Runtime: without stopping the cache or your application
  • - Cluster membership: is updated at runtime and propagated to all servers in the cluster and all clients connected to the cluster.

Split Brain Cluster Handling

Another part of NCache Dynamic Clustering is its intelligent Split Brain Detection and Recovery capability. The split brain essentially occurs when due to some networking issues, the network connection breaks between these cache servers and this results in multiple independent sub-clusters where each sub-cluster assumes that all other cache servers have gone down and it is the correct remaining cluster.

In such cases, NCache servers realize that the other cache servers left the cluster abruptly so they keep trying to reconnect with them. Then, when the networking issue goes away, these NCache servers are able to reconnect with the other cache servers. But, now each sub-cluster has updated the cache in parallel without synchronizing with other cache servers and therefore multiple versions of the data exist across sub-clusters.

NCache provides a way to recover from this “split brain” by automatically deciding which cache servers must give up their data and other cache servers get to keep their data. There is some data loss but the end result is a quick restoration of the cache cluster without any human intervention.


Dynamic Client Connections

NCache also lets you add or remove cache clients at runtime without stopping the cache or other clients. When you add a client, this client just needs to know about any one cache server in the cluster to connect to. Once it connects to that server, it receives cluster membership and caching topology information based on which it decides which other servers to connect to.

  • - Add / Remove Clients at Runtime: without stopping the cache or your application.
  • - Partitioned Cache / Partition-Replica Cache: the client connects to all the Partitions in all cache servers (not Replicas because Partitions talk to their Replicas). This allows the client to directly go where the data is for reads and writes. And, if a new server is added to the cluster, the client receives an updated cluster membership information and then connects to this newly added cache server as well.
  • - Replicated Cache: in case of Replicated Cache, the client just connects to one cache server in the cluster but in a load balanced manner to ensure that all cache servers have equal number of clients. The client obtains the load balancing information from this cache server and based on that then if needed it re-connects to the appropriate cache server. Client connects to only one cache server because each server has the entire cache so all reads and writes are possible right there.
  • - Mirrored Cache: in case of Mirrored Cache, the client just connects only to the active node in this 2-node cluster. If the client connects to the passive node, the passive node tells the client about the active node and the client automatically reconnects to the active node. If the active node goes down and the passive node becomes active, all clients automatically connect to the new active node.

Dynamic Configuration

NCache also provides dynamic configuration of the cache and clients. The purpose is to allow you to make changes later when the cache is running without stopping the cache or your application.

  • - Propagate to all Servers and Clients at Runtime: this includes all configuration and its changes and also the Distribution Map.
  • - Cache Configuration: when a cache configuration is created through admin tools, this config information is copied to all the cache servers known at that time. And, any new server that is added at runtime receives this entire cache config and copies it to its local disk.
  • - Hot Apply Config Changes: you can change some of cache configuration at runtime through a "Hot Apply" feature of NCache. When you do that, the updated configuration information is propagated to all the cache servers at runtime and saved on their disks. A part of this information is also sent to all the clients which is relevant to their needs.
  • - Distribution Map (Partitioned / Partition-Replica Cache): this is created when the cache is started and is then copied to all the cache servers and cache clients. This Distribution Map contains information about which buckets (out of a total of 1000 buckets in the clustered cache) are located on which partition.

Connection Failover within Cluster

All cache servers in the cluster are connected to each other through TCP. And, every cache server is connected to all other cache servers in the cluster including any new servers added at runtime. NCache provides various ways to ensure that any connections within the cluster are kept alive despite connection breakage. Connection breakage usually occurs due to a network glitch due to a router or firewall or an issue with the network card or network driver.

  • - Connection Retries: if connection between two cache servers breaks, NCache server automatically does multiple retries to establish this connection. These retries are done until the “timeout” period is used up. In most situations, this reestablishes the connection.
  • - Keep-Alive Heartbeat: NCache also has a feature to have each cache server keep sending some small data packages as heart-beat to all other servers. This ensure that if there is a network socket breakage issue, the cache servers will know about it and fix it through retries.
  • - Partially Connected Servers: despite retries, there are times when a connection is not restored within the timeout period and a cache server assumes that one or more of the other cache servers are down. So, it continues working without them. But, in reality the other servers are not down and are in fact seen by some other servers in the cluster. This is called Partially Connected servers. When this happens, the Cluster Coordinator takes a note of this and forcibly removes the "Partially Connected" server from the cluster. By doing this, the cluster becomes healthy again. And, the server that is removed can rejoin the cluster through manual intervention.

Connection Failover with Clients

All the cache clients are connected to one or more cache servers in the cluster through TCP depending on the caching topologies. For Partitioned / Partition-Replica Cache, each client is connected to all cache servers. For Replicated Cache, each client is connected to just one of the cache servers usually through a load-balancing algorithm used by the cache servers. And, for Mirrored Cache, all clients are connected only to the Active Node and only connect to the Passive Node when the Active Node goes down and the Passive Node becomes Active Node.

  • - Connection Retries: if a connection between a client and cache servers breaks, NCache client automatically does multiple connection retries to establish this connection. These retries are done until the "timeout" period is used up. In most situations, this reestablishes the connection without the client application even noticing it. If a connection cannot be established then an exception is thrown to the client application so it can handle it.
  • - Keep-Alive Heartbeat: NCache also has a feature to have each client keep sending some small data packages as heart-beat to all the cache servers it is connected to. This ensure that if there is a network socket breakage issue, the client will know about it and fix it through connection retries.
  • - Partially Connected Clients (Partitioned / Partition-Replica Cache): despite retries, there are times when a connection is not restored within the timeout period and a cache client assumes that it is unable to reach one or more of the other cache servers even though they may not be down. So, in case of Partitioned / Partition-Replica Cache, it interacts with other servers for reading or writing all data even though its Distribution Map tells it that the server which it cannot talk to has the data. In this case, the other cache server acts as an intermediary to successfully perform the operation.
  • - Disconnection with Server (Replicated / Mirrored Cache): in case of Replicated Cache, the client is only connected with one server and if this connection breaks, the client automatically connects to one of the other cache servers. In case of Mirrored Cache, if the client is unable to connect to the Active Node, then it assumes that it is down and tries to connect to the Passive Node.

Caching Topologies (Linear Scalability)

NCache provides a variety of caching topologies to enable linear scalability while maintaining data consistency and reliability. The goal of this is to address the needs of applications running with very small two-server caches to very large cache clusters consisting of tens or even hundreds of cache servers. A caching topology is essentially data storage, data replication, and client connections strategy in a clustered cache spanning multiple cache servers.


Reference Data vs. Transactional Data

Reference data is data that doesn’t change very frequently and you cache it to reach over and over again and occasionally update it. Transactional data, on the other hand, is data that changes very frequently and you may update it as frequently as you read it.

In the early days, a cache was considered good mainly for reference data because data that changed frequently would become stale and out of sync with the latest data in the database. However, NCache now provides very powerful features that enable the cache to keep its cached data synchronized with the database.

All caching topologies are good for reference data but only some caching topologies are especially better for transactional data. You need to determine how many reads versus writes you'll be doing to figure out which topology is best for you. Additionally, some caching topologies don’t scale as much especially for updates so keep that in mind too.

Below is a list of caching topologies along with their impact on reads versus writes.

  • - Partitioned Cache (no replication): Very good. Superfast for both reads and writes and also scales linearly by adding servers. Fastest topology but does not replicate data so there is data loss if a cache server goes down.
  • - Partition-Replica Cache (Most Popular): Very good. Superfast for both reads and writes and also scales linearly by adding servers. Second fastest topology but replicates data for reliability without compromising linear scalability. The best combination of speed/scalability and data reliability.
  • - Replicated Cache: Very good for smaller environments. Superfast and linearly scalable for reads. Moderately fast for writes in a 2-node cluster but does not scale as you add more servers because writes are synchronously done on all cache servers.
  • - Mirrored Cache: Very good for smaller environments. Superfast for reads. Writes are faster than Replicated Cache for 2-Node Active/Passive. But, does not scale beyond this.
  • - Client Cache: Very good for read-intensive use with all caching topologies. Lets you achieve InProc speed with a distributed cache.

Partitioned Cache

Partitioned Cache is the fastest and most scalable caching topology for both reads and writes. It is intended for larger cache clusters and the performance of reads and writes remains very good even under peak loads. However, it does not replicate data and hence there is data loss if a cache server goes down.

Here are some characteristics of Partitioned Cache.

  • - Dynamic Partitions: cache is divided into partitions at runtime with each cache server having one partitions. There are a total of 1000 buckets per clustered cache that are evenly distributed to all partitions. Adding / removing cache server results in creation / deletion of partitions at runtime. The buckets assignment to partitions does not change when data is being added to the cache. Instead, it only changes when partitions are added or deleted or when data balancing occurs (see below).
  • - Distribution Map: the cache cluster creates a Distribution Map that contains information about which buckets exist in which partitions. Distribution Map is updated whenever partitions are added or deleted or when data balancing occurs (see below). Distribution Map is propagated to all the servers and clients. The clients use this to figure out which cache server to talk to for reading or writing a certain cached item.
  • - Dynamic Data Balancing: since all the buckets are actually HashMap buckets where data is stored based on a Hashing algorithm on the keys, there is a chance that some buckets may have more data than others depending on what keys were used. If this imbalance crossed a configurable threshold, NCache automatically shifts buckets around to balance out this load.
  • - Clients Connect to ALL Partitions: clients connect to all the cache servers so they can directly read or write data in one request from the server. If a client’s connection with a cache server goes down, then it asks one of the other servers to read or write a cached item that exists on the server which it cannot access. And, that server helps the client achieve that.

Partition-Replica Cache

NOTE: everything mentioned in Partitioned Cache is true here too.

Just like Partitioned Cache, Partition-Replica Cache is extremely fast and linearly scalable caching topology for both reads and writes. It is intended for larger cache clusters and the performance of reads and writes remains very good even under peak loads. On top of this, Partition-Replica Cache also replicates data and hence there is no data loss even if a cache server goes down.

Partition-Replica Cache is our most popular caching topology because it gives you the best of both worlds, performance / linear scalability and data reliability.

Below are some of the characteristics of Partition-Replica Cache.

  • - Dynamic Partitions: same as Partitioned Cache.
  • - Dynamic Replicas: when partitions are created or deleted at runtime, their Replicas are also created or deleted. Replicas are always on a different cache server and there is only one Replica for a Partition.
  • - Async Replication: by default, replication from Partition to Replica is asynchronous. This means the client can add, update, or delete any data in the Partition and all these operations get queued up. And, then their replicated in BULK on the Replica. This improves performance but has the slight risk of data loss in case a Partition goes does and not all the updates had been replicated to the Replica. But, in most situations, this is perfectly fine.
  • - Sync Replication: if your data is very sensitive (e.g. financial data) and you cannot afford to ever have stale data, then you can choose “Sync Replication” option in the configuration. When selected, all write operations are synchronously performed on both Partition and Replica until they’re considered completed. This way, if the operation fails on the Replica, it also fails on the Partition. And, you can be guaranteed that all data in the cache (in both Partition and Replica) is always consistent. However, this has performance implication as it is slower than Async Replication.
  • - Distribution Map: same as Partitioned Cache.
  • - Dynamic Data Balancing (Partitions & Replicas): same as Partitioned Cache. However, in Partition-Replica Cache, data balancing also occurs in the Replicas when the partitions are data balanced.
  • - Clients Connect to ALL Partitions: same as Partitioned Cache. Additionally, in Partition-Replica Cache, the clients only talk to partitions and not their replicas. This is because replicas are passive and only partitions talk to their replicas when replicating data to them.

Replicated Cache

Replicated Cache provides data reliability through replication on two or more cache server. It is very fast and scalable for reads. But, it does not scale for writes because they’re synchronous to all the servers in the cluster. For a 2-node cluster, the writes are faster than your database but not as fast as Partition-Replica Cache. For 3 or more server clusters, the writes performance degrades and eventually becomes unattractive.

Below are some of the characteristics of Replicated Cache.

  • - Dynamic Replicated Nodes: you can add or remove cache servers at runtime to an exist cache without stopping the cache or your application. Newly added server makes a copy (Replica) of the entire cache on to itself. And, server that is removed updates cluster membership and all of its clients move to other servers.
  • - Entire Cache on Each Node: entire cache is copied to every server in the cluster.
  • - Reads are Scalable: reads are superfast and scalable when you add more servers. However, adding more servers does not increase the cache size as the newly added server is just another copy of the entire cache.
  • - Writes are Synchronous: writes are very fast for a 2-Node cluster and faster than your database. But, writes are synchronous meaning each write operation does not complete until all cache servers are updated synchronously. Due to this, writes are not as fast as other topologies and their performance degrades when you increase cluster size beyond 2-Node.
  • - Client Connects to One Server Only: each cache client only connects to one server in the cluster based on a load-balanced algorithm determined by the cache servers. If this cache server goes down, the client connects to next server in the list. You can also manually specify server to connect to in the cache configuration file if you don’t want to use load balancing.

Mirrored Cache

Mirrored Cache is a 2-Node Active/Passive cache cluster intended for smaller environments. It provides data reliability through asynchronous replication/mirroring from Active Node to Passive Node. It is very fast for both reads and writes (in fact writes are faster than Replicated Cache) but does not scale beyond this 2-Node Active/Passive cluster.

Below are some of the characteristics of Mirrored Cache.

  • - 1 Active & 1 Passive Server: Mirrored Cache only has two servers. One is Active and the other is Passive. They both have a copy of the entire cache. If the Active Server goes down, the Passive Server automatically becomes Active. And, if the previously downed Active Server comes back up, it is treated as a Passive Server unless you change this designation through admin tools at runtime.
  • - Clients Connections with Failover Support: each cache client only connects to the Active Server in the cluster to do their read and write operations. If this Active Server goes down, all the clients automatically connect the Passive Server that has become Active by now. This failover support ensures that Mirrored Cache is always up and running even if a server goes down.
  • - Async Mirroring: any writes done on the Active Server are asynchronously mirrored / replicated to the Passive Server. This ensures that the Passive Server is always synchronized with the latest data in case the Active Server goes down and the Passive Server has to become Active. Async mirroring also means faster performance because multiple writes are performed as a BULK operation on the Passive Server.

Client Cache (InProc Speed)

Client Cache is local to your web / app server and sits very close to your application and lets you cache data that you’re reading from the distributed cache (any caching topology). You can see this as a "cache on top of a cache" and greatly improves your application performance and scalability even further. If you use Client Cache in InProc mode, you can achieve InProc speed.

While being local to your application, a Client Cache is not a stand-alone. Instead, it is always synchronized with the clustered cache. This ensures that data in the client cache is never stale.

Below are some of the characteristics of Mirrored Cache.

  • - Good for Read Intensive Cases: Client Cache is good only if you have a read-intensive use case where the number of reads are many times more than writes. If number of writes are the same as reads then Client cache is actually slower because a write involves updating it in two places.
  • - Faster Speed like a Local Cache (InProc / OutProc): a Client Cache exists either inside your application process (InProc mode) or local to your web / app server (OutProc mode). In either case, it boosts your application performance significantly as compared to just fetching this data from the clustered cache. InProc mode lets you cache objects on your “application heap” which gives you “InProc Speed” that cannot be matched by any distributed cache.
  • - Not a Stand-Alone Cache: Client Cache may be a Local Cache but it is not a stand-alone cache. Instead, it keeps itself synchronized with the clustered cache. What this means is that if another client updates data in the clustered cache that you have in your Client Cache, the clustered cache notifies the Client Cache to update itself with the latest copy of that data. And, this is done asynchronously but immediately.
  • - Optimistic / Pessimistic Synchronization: By default, Client Cache uses Optimistic Synchronization which means that NCache client assumes that whatever data the Client Cache has is the latest copy. If Client Cache doesn’t have any data, the Client fetches it from the Clustered Cache, puts it in the Client Cache, and returns it to the client application. Pessimistic Synchronization means the Cache Client first checks the Clustered Cache whether it has a newer version of a cached item. If it does, then the client fetches it, puts it in the Client Cache, and returns it to the client application. Otherwise, it returns whatever is in the Client Cache.
  • - Plug-in without Any Code Change: the best things about Client Cache is that it involves no code change in your application. Instead, you simply plug it in through a configuration change. And, NCache Client API behind the scenes knows what to do about using the Client Cache.

What to Do Next?

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