Talk at VSLive 2016

Scaling Entity Framework Apps with Distributed Caching

By Iqbal Khan
President & Technology Evangelist

Entity Framework is a popular .NET object-relational mapper from Microsoft that eliminates the need for most of the data-access code that developers usually need to write. Entity Framework is increasingly being used in high transaction server applications (ASP.NET, WCF, and other .NET server apps) where scalability becomes a major issue.

Learn how to use distributed caching in your Entity Framework applications for removing scalability bottlenecks. This talk covers (including hands-on source examples):

  • EF scalability bottlenecks and how distributed caching resolves them?
  • Where in EF applications to use distributed caching?
  • How to handle EF Entity Collections and Relationships in distributed caching?
  • What are some important features in a distributed cache?

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