How to Use NCache as AppFabric Alternative

By Ron Hussain and Zack Khan

AppFabric has reached end of life and if you’re thinking about where to go from here then you must watch this webinar. This webinar shows you different ways to migrate your .NET applications from AppFabric to NCache.

NCache is an extremely fast and scalable .NET/.NET Core distributed caching system and it provides a wrapper for AppFabric that allows you to migrate to NCache with minimal to no code changes in your applications. Your Appfabric APIs used in your applications start to work with NCache seamlessly. You can additionally start using many other APIs and features offered by NCache for advanced caching functionality which are missing in AppFabric.

Here is what this webinar covers:

  • Overview of AppFabric and its end of life issues
  • Why NCache is the best option and alternative to AppFabric
  • Different ways for migration to NCache
    • Through no-code-change wrapper
    • Through direct NCache API calls
    Advanced distributed caching features that only NCache offers
  • Hands-on examples and demonstrations of migration

Watch Recorded Webinar

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